thirty six

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The warm up alone had the team panting, which didn't make sense to the East LA and Crenshaw group seeing as how they were cheering and running around as a sport.  Aside from Jaime kicking their asses, they spent two hours practicing their tumbling and tosses, working on having a personality while cheering and even helping Ms. C be more assertive.  Marcelo and Tito may or may not have threatened everyone, saying that if they heard about Ms. C having a hard time because of the team being disrespectful, they'd personally pay them a home visit.

After practice, Alondra took them all to the hangout cafe. At first, they were opposed to buying anything because a grilled cheese was $8 and a small fry was $4, but everyone's mind changed when Alondra pulled out a card Armando gave her for allowance. The guys basically inhaled their food and jumped at the chance to play pool once the previous group left the place completely.

The usual customers in the restaurant were a little skeptical of them, especially Tito and Marcelo because of their tattoos, but after a while, no one really payed attention unless they started laughing too loudly, in which someone would cover someone else's mouth before they got kicked out. At some point, the music was turned up and their loud laughing kind of blended in with everyone else's laughing and conversations. "I swear one of you is cheating."

"Alo, you just don't know how to play." Tito said bluntly, but the way he had said it made everyone bust out laughing.  "Is it my turn?"

Alondra nodded her head as she swirled her cup around.  "You can play, I'm ordering another smoothie."

"May I have more apple juice?"

"Yes, Tito. I'll get you some more juice." Alondra left the group and went to the counter. Tonight was one of Spencer's off days, so it was someone she didn't know behind the counter. Within a few minutes, Alondra's smoothie and Tito's apple juice were ready to be taken back to the table. Alondra said both glasses on the table and looked at her little brother. "Hey, guys. Want a smoothie?"

The teenage boy shook his head and lifted Lily onto the chair he was standing next to. "Dad found out about your friends and is looking for you."

"Yeah, but we told him you went back to Crenshaw so he wouldn't find you." Lily smiled, gladly taking a large sip from Alondra's smoothie. "And Ruben turned off his Find My iPhone."

"Well, thank you."  She smiled.  "Guys, this is Ruben and Lily.  They're half siblings."  Everyone kind of had the same reaction, but it was still mixed.  On one hand they despised them because they were Armando's kids, the same kids that he left Teresa for.  And on the other, Alondra seemed to really like them so they didn't exactly have a reason to hate them yet. 

Even with the café full of people, Marcelo and Tito stuck out like sore thumbs because they were the only people not wearing Polo or Nike shirts, and the only people basically tatted up head to toe.  Lily's focus basically went directly to them after Alondra introduced them.  "Did all of your tattoos hurt?  I want one when I get big." 

"Lily, you don't even like getting your flu shot."  Ruben commented.  "Getting a tattoo is like 50 needles at one time."

Ruben and Lily quickly fell into conversation with the group, basically talking to everyone as if they have known each other as long as they have known Alondra.  Lily had sparked up a conversation with Tito, and now they were arguing about what juice was the best, while Ruben was talking to Marcello and Jaime about sports.

"I thought you guys said Alondra was in Crenshaw?"

The group all turned around, Armando's voice suddenly catching their attention despite the fact that the café was still filled with customers.  "Oh, busted."  Lily whispered, sipping out of her juice box that Alondra had gotten her. 

Brushing her off, Armando almost immediately recognized Marcelo. However, the last time he saw him, he was a 15-year-old boy. "Didn't I tell you and your little friends to leave my family alone?"

"You mean 13 years ago when you left your family with no explanation?" Marcelo clapped back.

Ignoring the very true statement, Armando replied with, "I'm not gonna tell you again. Leave my family alone, that includes Alo. Ya no soy la misma persona."

"Y no me importa quien tú eres. Alondra es mi familia. Marcos, Antonio, y Teresa son mi familia. A diferencia de ti, yo protejo a mi familia." Marcelo stated.

Armando looked him up and down in disgust and shook his head, deciding that he wasn't gonna waste his time, or that he was going to get his ass beat, and turned around to his children. "Let's go, now."

Like they've been doing their entire lives, Lily and Ruben listen to him and stood up to get ready to leave, but of course Alondra resisted. "I'm good, I'll go to your house later."

"No, we're going home now." Armando enunciated.

"You and I both know that is not my home." Alondra there directly into his eyes, which wasn't that hard because the chair she was on was elevated a couple feet, but Armando really didn't wanna deal with her. Instead of saying anything else, he grabbed her arm and drag her off of her seat. "Suéltame." Trying not to make a scene, Alondra resorted to whispering harshly rather than yelling and hitting him.

Armando dragged her completely out of the building while Ruben put a stack of twenties on the table for the bill. " I don't care how much you hate me, get get your ass in the car and listen for once."

Alondra snatched her arm away from him as he opened the passenger side door, and turned around to face him. "Vete a la mierda."

someone pls take my phone away, bc there was supposed to be one family drama, not two 🙄 this is what happens when I write at 2AM and decide to continue it

tested negative for covid, but positive for swag, so they let me back into my dorm :)

i hope u guys are staying safe and I think everyone's going back to school now so I'm praying for everyone and manifesting good grades for u all 💖 ily babes sending hugs 😘

i hope u guys are staying safe and I think everyone's going back to school now so I'm praying for everyone and manifesting good grades for u all 💖 ily babes sending hugs 😘

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