Chapter 16: Taking care of Bella

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 It was 4:30 in the morning when Bella had woken up, but eye sight was still very blurry, she didn’t know where she was at first, it took her a  moment to realize she was back home and she was safe, she had felt her mate holding her closely but his grip was loose, so she get out of his hold, she quietly got out of bed and fell to the ground, she was literally crawling that was how weak she was at moment, she had reach up and open her door and crawled out and pushed herself up and held on to the wall for support, she had known where to go, she was looking for her big brother, even those she was having trouble seeing, she had stumbled into his room and whimper his name not knowing he was already awake’’ Nik’ ’she had tears pouring down her face, as she tried to climb on to his bed but she was too sore,’’ I am here Bells, come here’ ’Klaus told his baby sister as he help her into his bed and held her closely, she was trembling really bad and running a high fever’’ Nik big brother everything hurts and my eye sight is blurry off and on’ ’Bella told her big brother whimpering at him as he held her. She just wanted her Big brother’s comfort. ‘’ I tried Nik , I really did, I tried my best’ ’she mumbled weakly to him as he shook his head at her as he spoke with protectiveness in his voice’’ it isn’t your fault Bella, you didn’t know that was going to happen and you don’t have to worry about the hell hounds or the nomad vampires that hurt you, I took care of it, right now all you need to worry about is rest and to gain your strength back and let me and Jackson take care of you sis’’ He told her as she was already sound asleep in her Brother’s arms. He had kissed her hair as he carried her back to her room and woke up Jackson’’ Take her and do not let her out of your sight unless I am with her , do you understand me’’ Klaus said in a protective way and Jackson nodded in understanding as he noticed how hot Bella was feeling, she was burning up again, so Klaus got his baby sister an ice cold Wash rag and put it on her fore head and Jackson nodded as he saw Klaus go back to his room and kept his door open this time, Jackson was tending to Bella, comforting her the best he could, he had mark his scent on her a few times through the night in a tempt to calm his own wolf down a bit, she was still pretty pale and her fever had yet to break which worried him , he held her close to him ,this time as he close his eyes, he made sure if she were to wake so would he , that way she wouldn’t get out of his hold again or his sight. He fallen back asleep but kept his senses open just in case his mate were to wake up anytime soon.


Klaus Pov: after Comforting my sister , I knew I wasn’t going to let her fight alone anytime soon, she was too weak and it really had me worried, she was whimpering in my arms and all I could to was comfort her, and she was crying , that broke my heart to see, she was in so much pain and I hated to see that, I had help her on my bed as I held her, I had told her it wasn’t her fault and it was the truth, it wasn’t her fault at all, I had noticed she had fallen back asleep again in my arms, after I told her not worry, all she had to worry about was to get her strength back and get as much rest as she needed, that’s all she needed to worry about right now , I had carried her back to her room and woke up Jackson and I told him not let her out of his sight unless she was with me, she was good at disappearing when no one was looking and right now I didn’t want her alone she was too weak and it would take both of us to look after my baby sister and she would need a lot of blood bags and my blood to help her heal and feel better. I had gotten my baby sister an ice cold wash rag and put it on her fore head because she was burning up and then I had left her room and let Jackson take care of her for the rest of night, I had went to my room and laid awake did some light reading there was no way I would be sleeping at least for the rest of tonight, I thought.

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