Like usual, she hid behind her Father shyly. "Th-thank you." She stammered.

Ms.Parent walked over and kneeled down so that she looked Rose in her sunglasses. "Hello, I'm going to be your new Pearl." 

"W-what's a Pearl?" Rose asked.

"Well, Pearls can be and do many different things. But in your case, I'm going to be your guardian, protector, voice coach and nanny. Your Father and Mother are very busy people so I'll be here to spend time with you. I have already spoken with Agatha Taylor, and I will also be taking over the role of Rose's manager. Because we'll be spending a lot of time together, she believes I'll have a better understanding of what kind of roles Rose would be best for." Ms. Parent explained.

"Wait just a minute! A voice coach? Lady, I don't need a voice coach. My voice is perfect just the way it is!" Rose exclaimed.

"Rose, even though you believe your voice is perfect, there will always be ways to make it better. There will always be room improvement. Which reminds me, your Father has scheduled a vocal lesson for you today so we can spend some useful time together, so come along." Ms. Parent replied. 

Rose turned to her Father. "Daddy?! How could you betray me like this?!" 

Bully peeled his daughter off of his leg. "Look, Rosie, I'm sorry but it's all true. If you want to be the best, you gotta practice." 

"My Diamond, you have a meeting with the Governess of the Bank of the Rock Candy Mines in a few minutes, we should get going." Dreyfus pointed out.

"Ah, right. Rosie, be good for Ms. Parent, I'll see you later!" Bully said, kissing Rose on the cheek and then setting her on the floor before leaving the room. 

After her Father left, Ms. Parent brought Rose to the Garden on the roof of the Diamond Palace. The weather was very nice that day, the sun was shining and there were hardly any clouds in the sky.

"Now Rose, do you know how to do a scale?" Ms. Parent asked. Rose didn't answer.

"I see. Do you know Every Good Boy Does Fine?" Rose didn't answer again. Ms. Parent sighed, this was going to be harder than she thought. 

"Rose, answer me." Ms.Parent ordered, more strictly this time. Rose Quartz stayed quiet, her arms crossed.

"Oh well, I suppose I'll just have to tell your Father about your terrible behavior." Ms.Parent sighed. 

Rose Quartz hopped up. "You wouldn't." 

Ms.Parent nodded. "Actually yes, I would. And he'll be so disappointed, you know. But he deserves to know that his daughter has been disobedient." 

"No, no, no! You better not or I-I'll--"

"You'll what?" Ms.Parent challenged. "You need to learn to be more respectful, young lady." 

"B-but I'm a Princess--"

"And Princesses are supposed to be kind, respectful, and well-mannered. You are a disrespectful brat." Ms.Parent replied.

Rose Quartz scoffed. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Anyway," She began, summoning her phone out of her gem, "I'll give him a call right n--"

"NO!" Rose screamed. But this was no ordinary shout, it was a sonic scream. 

The force of the sonic scream threw Ms.Parent violently against the railing of the roof. The stone railing cracked and she fell off the side of the roof. She was quick enough to catch herself but her phone fell out of her grasp and plummeted to the ground, shattering on impact. 

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