I forced a fake smile on my face. "I would've never sent her away in the first place."

"What if it was Ryan and Dakota that she had killed? Would you excuse her actions then?"

I froze at what he suggested. He seemed pleased with my reaction. I clenched my jaw as we both knew what my response would be.

I turned and went back to the fences. If I don't push my knife into the skulls of the undead, I might be tempted to attempt such a thing on Rick.

How could he just send her away? Carol was family. She was one of us. I thought the whole point of this group was that we don't give up on people.

And yes, if she had come after my siblings, I would have sent her away or done worse. But she wouldn't do that to us. These new members were our people, but they weren't family.


"How are you holding up?" I asked.

Abby and Carl sat on the floor across the room while I stayed seated on my side. The last thing I wanted to do was infect them with this stupid illness.

Abby shrugged. "We're okay. Just tired of sitting around."

Carl nodded in agreement. I sighed understanding how they felt. We all wanted to do something, anything.

"I know, but Dakota's going to be back soon. And then we'll be able to go see Ryan and the others."

Abby and Carl shared a look between them. Oh great, they're telepathic now. As if though they weren't close enough before.

"This isn't right. We can help you out there instead of just sitting in here." Carl argued.

I went to argue but Abby interrupted me before I could. "You know it's true, Jo."

A sigh left my lips as I pondered on what to say. Their eyes stared at me and I shifted uncomfortably. They were still kids, teenagers if we're being precise.

But even after all the preparation, I still feel uneasy at the thought of them out there. They can definitely take care of themselves. I just don't think us adults are ready for that.

I nodded. "You are right. You're not little kids anymore. I just don't think everyone agrees with that."

Abby went to reply when we heard gunshots. I tensed at the sound before hastily getting up. It was coming from the cell blocks.

"Stay here." I told them.

I ran to the front door right before it opened. Rick came in and stopped walking when he saw me. I looked at him expectantly. What was happening out there?

"We heard gunshots."

I frowned before turning around. Abby and Carl were standing right behind me. I resisted the urge to facepalm at their lack of compliance.

Of course they didn't listen.

Rick turned to me. "I need your help."

I looked at the kids who were looking at me with raised eyebrows. God, this is gonna come back to bite me in the ass.

I huffed before turning to Rick. "Junior squad reporting for duty."

They didn't have time to question the name as we all made our way to the fences. Abby and I handed them wood which they positioned into the ground to hold the fence.

Same job that Ryan had a few days ago. The walker situation was getting out of control. We were out of the manpower to manage it, too.

"You think they're okay?" Carl asked.

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