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"Morning." Rick said.

I glanced at him with an amused smirk forming on my lips. He seemed groggy. Must be from all that alcohol. T-Dog and I were making eggs for the group. We weren't professionals but they were still good.

Rick talked to Carl and Lori about his hangover. Ranger Rick likes to drink. I handed a pan to T-Dog and he went to give the eggs to the others. Everyone was very much hungover from last night.

"Eggs. Powdered but we do them goood." T-Dog boasted.

I smirked and gave him a high five before sitting down next to Ryan and Abby. Glenn groaned as his head hurt. Aw, baby's first hangover. He'll get used to it with time.

"Protein helps the hangover." T-Dog explained.

He put the eggs on our plates and I drank some water. Rick noticed a pair of pills for the hangover. It wasn't much but it helped me recover enough to function normally.

"Where did all of this come from?" He asked.

"Jenner." Lori answered.

I ate my eggs as Ryan poured some juice for Abby. Well, okay. It's not like I wanted some juice too. Only the young ones get it without asking apparently. I find that very unfair.

"Don't ever, ever, ever let me drink again." Glenn whined.

I chuckled and patted him on the shoulder. Shane entered the room and greeted everyone. Well he looks like shit, even more than he did yesterday.

I grabbed some toast and bit into it as Rick greeted him. While Ryan wasn't looking, I drank some of his juice. That's what he deserves for not giving me some.

"You feel as bad as I do?" Rick asked Shane.

Ryan grabbed his cup only to see it half empty. He let out an annoyed sigh and glanced at me. I raised my eyebrows innocently. He rolled his eyes and took half of my toast.

"Hey." I complained.

Abby giggled at our exchange and I ruffled her hair. She huffed before rearranging it. Then Ryan did the same thing to my hair and I flipped him off. A laugh left his lips as my fingers went through my hair.

"The hell happened to you? Your neck?" T-Dog asked Shane.

I glanced at him to see the scratches were still there. Oh yeah, I forgot to ask about those. Mostly because I didn't particularly care that much. What he does in his free time is none of my concern.

"Must've done it in my sleep." He said.

"I've never seen you do that before." Rick commented.

"Me neither. Ain't like me at all." Shane said.

I rolled my eyes. It wouldn't surprise me if it was. He's all kinds of messed up. I put some of the eggs on my toast and Ryan grimaced at the sight. I let out a hum of approval upon taking a bite just to get a rise out of him.

Jenner walked in to join us for breakfast and mumbled out a quiet 'morning'. Some of the others replied with greetings of their own while I pretended he didn't exist.

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