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"Jo, wake up." Ryan said.

I groaned in annoyance as he shook me awake. I slapped his arm away and I heard a sigh leave his lips.

One of my eyes opened and I saw the group getting ready. I reluctantly sat up and was handed a bowl.

"Don't think I didn't notice you didn't eat last night." Carol scolded.

I frowned as I looked up. She was looking at me as if I was an irresponsible teenager. I took the bowl and grabbed some squirrel. My stomach was more than grateful to have something inside of it.

Ryan sharpened his knife next to me as I noticed Abby and Carl talking in the distance. I held out the bowl to Ryan but he shook his head in disagreement.

I rolled my eyes and handed it to Lori. She seemed hesitant to take it but gave in and nodded in thanks.

"Rick told me to tell you that you're on guard duty with me today while they go inside the prison." Ryan explained.

My eyes narrowed as I put on my shoes. I'm not like Beth or Carol, I can help them with the prison. Hell, they need me there.

I don't know what this shit with me being on guard duty is supposed to mean, but I'm not listening to that crappy order.

"And miss out on all the fun? I think not. I'll talk to him about it." I replied.

Ryan smirked at me as I patted his shoulder and got up. Rick was talking to Glenn and Daryl in the distance.

I walked up to them while Rick motioned towards the prison. He was explaining some plan for the prison entry.

"We go in-"

"What's this crap about me not going with you inside the prison?" I questioned.

I basically cut Rick off in the middle of talking. Like I said before, I don't listen to all of his speeches.

All I care about is helping them get to the prison. I'm the brain and the muscle. Double threat which means they need me with them.

A sigh left Rick's lips as he put his hands on his hips. It was his dictator stand. Daryl glanced at me before looking at Rick again. He didn't seem surprised by the news.

When was this decision made and why wasn't I consulted?

"We need someone to stay with the group in case something goes wrong. Why? You got a problem with that?" Rick asked.

It felt as if though he was challenging me to say something. He should've known I would. I've worked my ass off to be considered as more than another mouth to feed.

Doing things like guard duty when there's a more important task bothers me because my skills could be used better.

"Hell yeah. We all know you need me there. The more people clear the prison, the faster and safer it'll be. Back me up, Daryl." I said.

I glanced at him with a pointed look. We all know they need all available bodies to help out. Having guards is good, but putting someone with my skills on guard duty is a waste of people.

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