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"God, they're driving so slow."

A groan left my mouth as I leaned against my car seat. Driving is no fun when everyone else drives like a grandma. I thought it would be more fun when I agreed to do it.

"There's literally a hundred cars blocking our way, Josephine. They can't go any faster." Ryan said.

"Can't or won't?" I wondered.

"Does it really matter? Just follow them." Abby whined.

We were all bored out of our minds and there's only so many games you can play while in the car. I spy with my little eye something apocalyptic. Oh wait, that's everything. That game was ditched five miles ago.

"Wanna hear another joke?" I asked.

"No!" They protested at the same time.

A scoff left my lips as I looked at the road. Apparently, hearing over a hundred jokes in a few hours isn't enjoyable. I put in so much effort only for them to disregard my jokes. It's not fair, some people just don't understand culture.

The cars in front of us slowed down even more and I almost went to protest but people started exiting their cars. There were hundreds of other cars left to rot all around us. I parked our car as s sigh left my mouth.

"What now?" I wondered.

We exited the car and reached Dale's RV. That's where everyone was gathered watching him tinker with the engine. Smoke emerged from the front of the RV as Dale frowned at the sight.

"I said it. Didn't I say it? A thousand times. Dead in the water." Dale mumbled.

"A problem, Dale?" Shane asked.

"Well, just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of-" He stopped talking when he saw Daryl rummaging through various stuff in the cars.

The fact that this place was abandoned could work in our favor. If everyone left their stuff, then we could take it for ourselves. It's easier than trying to go shopping in the middle of the apocalypse. At least now, everything's free.

"Okay, that was dumb." Dale said.

"If you can't find a radiator hose here..." Shane trailed off.

Or he could just dump the RV and get a new vehicle. Perhaps throw out Andrea, Lori and Shane with it. I feel like that'd be asking for too much though. Once again, being silent is the smarter choice.

"There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find." Daryl said.

"Get more fuel from these cars for a start." T-Dog added.

"Water, food, clothes even. Anything your heart desires." I said.

My siblings and I couldn't afford most of the stuff located in these cars. Living was difficult without proper jobs. Dakota was a waitress who babysat every other day, Ryan worked as a delivery man and I was a hostess who did all sorts of odd jobs.

"This is a graveyard. I don't know how I feel about this." Lori spoke up.

I bit my tongue trying not to comment on how stupid her comment was. Everything is a graveyard nowadays. If we don't use that to our advantage, we'll become part of it.

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