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"Food's here." T-Dog called.

He waited for Carl to open the gate while holding two boxes of food. Rick and I stood side by side, also holding as much food as we could.

I still would've preferred it if we killed the prisoners and took all of the food. But instead we have to clear a whole cell block for them.

"What you got?" Carl asked.

Abby walked out to see what the fuss was about. She stood next to Carl and I handed her a paper bag filled with random cans. She stumbled a bit, but Carl helped her carry it.

I glanced at Rick with a smug smirk. He also noticed the exchange between his son and my sister. He rolled his eyes, but a ghost of a smile formed on his face.

"Canned beef, canned corn, canned cans. There's a lot more from where this came from." T-Dog commented.

I hummed in agreement as I went to the front of the cell that Hershel was staying in. I glanced inside to see his eyes were closed and his stump was wrapped in bloody sheets.

"Any change?" Rick inquired.

Glenn and Lori stepped outside to give us the report. I shifted uncomfortably at the sight of her stomach. The fact that there was a human being in her disturbed me.

More so than usual. Without Hershel, Lori might not survive childbirth and that's something I don't want Carl nor Rick to go through.

"Bleeding is under control and no fever, but his breath is labored and his pulse is way down and he hasn't opened his eyes yet." Lori explained.

I don't recall her being a doctor or having any medical knowledge. Not everyone skips first aid like me, I suppose. I never bothered myself with amputation lessons or internal bleeding surgeries.

All I know are the basics. Which might not be a good idea since I already got shot once. Luck doesn't seem to be on my side when it comes to injuries.

"Take my cuffs. Put them on him. I'm not taking any chances." Rick demanded.

I turned my head sharply to look at him. He wasn't serious, was he? I mean, I know it's for safety but this is Hershel. A man of faith. We can't treat him like an experimental animal.

Glenn listened to Rick as I bit my lip. We have to listen to Rick though, he's always been right so far. A sigh left my lips as I went outside.

I noticed Rick and Lori speaking to each other in hushed voice. My eyes connected with his for a split second before I left his sight.

No one was outside because of the bodies. Especially now since the prisoners could be there. Yet I made sure I saw all of them inside. I don't feel safe around them.

The sun hit my face once again and I closed my eyes letting myself enjoy it for a second. I hated the sun on most days, but when it was slowly setting down and you had a few hours before it disappeared, that was when I let myself enjoy it.

In those fleeting moments.

"You're being creepy, Rick." I commented.

I opened my eyes to see him standing behind me. He was watching me with a soft look in his eyes. I couldn't understand it.

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