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Terminus. A pointless destination, in my opinion. Rick and Michonne disagreed. Majority rules and all that. If there was a chance of a safe place, we should take it. That's what they said.

As if though they didn't learn their lesson last time we thought a place was safe.

Rick walked alongside me. His eyes flickering to me every so often. My anger had diminished. For now, at least. I could tell he was still concerned about my wellbeing. It was almost sweet. Almost.

"I think we got about a day's worth of water left. We're lucky it's cooled off a bit, but..." Rick trailed of when he noticed my gaze behind him.

A ghost of a smile crossed my face as I saw Michonne and Carl competing on who can walk on the rails longest. Any other day, I would've joined them. It would've been fun to beat them.

"What are you doing?" Rick asked.

I crossed my hands over my chest as I stopped walking completely. They've been at this for a while now. If someone doesn't give up, any it's unlikely they will, this could continue on for a long while.

"Winning a bet."

"In your dreams."

Rick and I shared an amused look. Despite its childish nature, the game brought out the best in the two. But as always, seeing them enjoy themselves only made me more agitated because of my loss.

"Wrap it up, ladies. We haven't got all day."

At my words, Michonne glanced at Carl with a smirk. "You're right. We shouldn't be fooling around."

I knew the look in her eyes. It's one I've worn many, many times. She's up to something. At this point, I don't care if she cheats. I just want this game to be over with.

"We should probably - Carl!"

I rolled my eyes at her attempt to scare Carl and make him lose his balance. In the end, it was her that lost. Carl's victorious grin was enough for it to be worth it. My heart ached as I thought of Abby.

"I win. Pay up." Carl replied.

With a defeated sigh, Michonne reached into her bag and pulled out chocolate bars. My interest was peaked at the sight of sweets. Always had a sweet tooth. The apocalypse really didn't help with that.

"Is that really the last Big Cat?"

The frustrated look on Michonne's face confirmed that it was. Sounds of protest left her mouth as he specifically picked that one.

"Hey, but you said winner's choice" Carl argued.

Michonne gave in. "Go ahead, take it. It's yours. You won it fair and square."

As he opened the chocolate bar, he split it into two pieces and handed one to Michonne. That's when I couldn't help but smile. Rick raised that boy right.

"Come on, we always share." Carl insisted.

Michonne took it from him with a grateful smile. She reached into her bag for the other one before tossing at Rick and me. He was able to grab it and I looked at it in confusion.

"It's only fair you two get one, too." she explained.

As she and Carl went ahead, Rick handed the entire thing to me. I stared at it in confusion before taking it. It wasn't much but it's been ages since I've eaten anything with chocolate.

He smiled at my surprise. "You can keep it. Last time I tried to get between you and sweets, it didn't end well."

As he walked past me, I let out a groan of protest.

Solitude -> The Walking DeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora