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Everyone was gathered around the tents in their chairs. It was lunchtime, I believe. Judging by the fact that Ryan just handed me a plate filled with food. Time went by weirdly in this place.

"Scrambled eggs, yay." I mumbled.

"It's better than nothing." He told me.

I grumbled and ate the scrambled eggs. My eyes connected with Daryl's. He was already looking at me which surprised me. He quickly looked away and ate his food.

I did the same trying to ignore the way my heart was racing. It was definitely an odd feeling. Glenn walked in front of the entire group as if hesitating to say something.

"Uh, guys... So..." He stuttered.

I looked at him curiously. What's wrong with him? He looks more nervous than I've ever seen him. And I've seen him face off dozens of walkers by now. Maybe this has something to do with Lori.

"The barn is full of walkers." He spoke up.

I froze as I was about to take a sip of water. Everyone exchanged looks before getting up and heading towards the barn. Why the fuck would there be walkers in it?

Shane looked through the cracks of the barn door to see what was inside. He did not seem happy with what he had seen. So these people keep dead people in their barn for what? Fun? They might be more messed up than I thought.

"You can not tell me you're alright with this." Shane grumbled.

"No, I'm not. But we're guests here. This isn't our land." Rick stated.

"For God's sake, these are our lives, man." Shane exclaimed.

The groans from the barn got worse. Or at least, they seemed to get louder to me. I glanced at Ryan and Abby who were at a safe distance from the barn. Though I don't think anywhere here is actually safe.

"Be quiet. Last thing we need is those walkers breaking the barn door." I hissed.

"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea said.

"It ain't right. Not remotely." T-Dog agreed.

Well, of course it isn't right. The question is whether we do something about it or not. We could get kicked out, though I'm starting to doubt if that's such a bad thing.

"We either gotta go in there, we're gonna make things right or we just gotta go. We have been talking about Fort Benning for a long time." Shane stated.

I let out a groan of annoyance. Are we seriously back on this topic? We agreed to drop it at the CDC because it wasn't worth it. Fort Benning is too far away and most likely overrun. Therefore, not worth it.

"We can't go." Rick protested.

"Why, Rick? Why?" Shane asked, clearly irritated by Rick's refusal.

"Because my daughter is still out there." Carol pointed out.

I shifted uncomfortably. I didn't want to admit it but the chances of her being alive are nonexistent at this point. That's why I think I should've done more. Because now it's too late.

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