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"Block with your hand."

I dodged one of Cleo's hits and tried to get her side. She grabbed my arm before it could make contact with her body.

I tried to get out of her grip but she flipped me over before I could. My back landed on the mat and I grunted at the impact. Cleo stood over me with a scolding look.

Her forehead was glistening from sweat and she impatiently wiped at it. "You left yourself exposed. Again."

I pulled myself into a sitting position and tried to steady my breathing. If there was one thing I hated more than getting my ass handed to me, it was Cleo winning.

"Well not all of us are military trained, coach." I grumbled.

She rolled her eyes at the nickname and relaxed a bit upon realizing that it was the end of our session. I glanced at my watch and concluded that I was going to be late.

Cleo held out her hand and I gladly took it. My entire body ached and the last thing I wanted to do was go on a run right now. But they needed the people since there was a buildup on our fences.

"I told you months ago to stop calling me that," She gave me a stern look, "I may be teaching you a few things, but I'm not your coach."

I never understood why she didn't like the title I gave her. She was more than deserving of it. She kicked ass better than anyone and she was training me to do the same.

"I gotta go. But we'll continue this fight tomorrow, coach." I said with a nonchalant smile.

I grabbed a towel and used it to wipe off some of the sweat that covered my body. If I'm late to this run, then I'll be stuck on fence duty and I am way too sore for that kind of job.

"Is it really a fight if I win all the time?"

"I'll beat you next time."

That was an empty promise and we both knew it. I put on my jacket before leaving the inside of the prison and stepping into the courtyard. A few people called out in greeting and I simply nodded.

From the corner of my eye, I could see everyone was still packing for the run which gave me enough time to go greet Dakota. She was handing out breakfast.

I saw her speaking to Dorothy and I waited until she had walked away before going there. "You're being ridiculous, Jo. You can't avoid her forever."

She didn't even look up as I sat down next to her and she handed me a plate. I declined the food knowing that I didn't have time to eat it even if I wanted to.

A huff left my lips. "I can try. I'm sorry if I can't stand looking at the woman that our dumbass of a brother knocked up."

My eyes found Dorothy's stomach and I found myself feeling uneasy. Ryan and Dorothy had shared a very passionate night after which they were supposed to move on with their lives.

Except a month later, Hershel announces she's pregnant. Ryan, and the rest of the group, is dumbfounded by the news. He told Dorothy that once the baby is born, he'll be right there with her.

In the span of a few months, I'll be an aunt to a child whose mother is someone I don't want to look at every day. I never particularly liked the girl and this whole ordeal only made her more unappealing to me.

"You've gotta move on. Ryan made a mistake and he's well aware of that. He doesn't need you to remind him of it every five minutes." Dakota replied.

I was about to reply when I heard a familiar whistle outside the gates. The sound of Michonne approaching.

Dakota motioned for me to go. I jogged down to the prison yard where Rick and Carl had welcomed Michonne.

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