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The sound of lips smashing clogged my ears. How long could they keep this up for? I cleared my throat, trying to attract their attention. They still didn't stop.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance before grabbing Dakota's elbow and pulling her back. Her and Merle's lips finally separated. Dakota pouted as an amused expression crossed Merle's face.

"Are you done?" I asked. My voice was filled with annoyance.

Merle noticed my lack of enthusiasm at their makeout session and smirked as he enjoyed annoying me — especially with my sister. Let's just say that this wasn't the first time I've had to watch those two suck each other's faces.

"We were just gettin' started." He retorted. Dakota pecked his lips, and I resisted the urge to kick him where the sun doesn't shine — it would make me look like the bad guy even though he was the one provoking me.

Dakota hated seeing her boyfriend and sister fight, so I was the one who had to tolerate it all while he did whatever he wanted.

"Be safe, alright?" She demanded. He gave her a genuine smile. That's a sight you don't see every day — or, you know, ever. She was the only one who could make him smile like that.

Sometimes I wondered if it was even an actual genuine smile or simply the most genuine he could get — probably the latter — but Dakota was pleased with it, and that was all that apparently mattered.

"Of course, sweetheart," He said. I gave them a stern look. If I had to watch their lovey-dovey shit for another second, I would've gouged my eyes out.

There were people who were ten times more obnoxious than them, but the fact that it was my own sister made me want to puke. There was no solitude in the apocalypse when you were in a group, which meant I had to watch that shit all the time.

"Okay, you've said your goodbyes," I said, "Now you can go on that run."

Dakota rolled her eyes as Merle kissed her forehead. Again with the lovey-dovey shit.

I was not here to watch a romantic movie, I was asked to fetch Dakota for laundry duty. Carol knew better than to expect me to participate in such tasks — my personality often clashed with others'.

We watched as he walked towards the other members for the run, and Dakota turned to me. "Why don't you like Merle?"

"I think the better question is why you do," I said, "The guy's a completely loose canon, has no filter and is a general asshole."

What she saw in him was beyond me. Maybe there was some good in Merle, but it was really deep, deep, deep down inside of him. It just didn't seem worth the trouble.

Her choice was quite limited in the apocalypse, but she could've just been single with me and not think about the asshole that was Merle. She always seemed to fall for the wrong men.

"It has nothing to do with your hate towards his brother? Daryl?"

"Don't remind me. For once, that asshole has nothing to do with this. He can rot in hell for all I care," I snapped. Dakota chuckled and I scowled.

The Dixon brothers were the biggest assholes I had ever met — both of them acted so innocent, accusing others for their own mistakes.

If it were up to me, the group would have rejected them weeks ago. But nope, we needed them for 'protection and food'.

"You still mad about that accident?" She asked.

"Accident? The guy's a perfect shot yet somehow the arrow 'accidentally' lodged itself into the tree inches from my head? And then he blamed me for what he'd done, saying I was standing on the wrong side of the camp or something. It's bullshit."

Solitude -> The Walking DeadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ