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"Hershel's gone." Ryan announced.

I looked up from my book. Boredom got the best of me and so I started reading Dale's trashy novels. I've never felt more disgusting than when reading love confessions.

"Hello to you, too. So what? He probably went on a stroll. He'll be back." I dismissed it.

It's not like this was unknown territory to him. He raised his family here and it's not like he can get lost unlike the members of our group. Besides, after grieving a bit, he'll be just fine.

"I'm not so sure about that. Glenn and Rick went after him though. God, Beth is going to be so upset when she finds out." He said.

I froze in the middle of turning the page. A groan escaped my lips out of annoyance. I can't believe this nonsense. Please tell me he's not dating Blondie.

"If you're into that girl, I swear to God, I will smack you repeatedly." I said.

A frown formed on his face at my threat. I don't know why, but Ryan has a thing for blondes. First Amy and now Beth. At least Amy was around his age.

"We're just friends, Josephine. Something that you have no concept of."

I looked up from my book and scoffed. Who has time to make friends? Except for Ryan. He is way too outgoing. The way he can charm anyone is beyond me.

"Excuse you, I have friends."

It's difficult to make friends when you hate like ninety percent of the population. And that was before the apocalypse happened. Things haven't gotten easier for me.

"One friend doesn't count."

"Quality over quantity, jackass."

He snickered as I threw the book at him. It hit him in the chest because of his slow reflexes. He let out a short laugh before bending down and picking it up. My eyes softened at the sound. It's been a while since I heard it.

"How's Abby been holding up?" I asked.

Ryan was with her when we found out about Sophia being dead. It was a hard hit for a kid to take. Sophia was the first friend Abby made after the world ended. I think it helped her adapt.

"Better than I thought she would. Carl and her keep each other distracted."

A small smile appeared on my face at the mention of that duo. Despite my teasing, I think he's good for her. He keeps her occupied, if nothing else. She seems to do the same thing for him whether she realizes it or not.

"I'm glad she has someone her age to talk to. The age difference between us is more significant than I want to admit." I said.

Our mother was an enigma to me. She had Dakota really young and Abby really old. In a way, Abby was an attempt for her to make our father stay with her despite her violent tendencies. He, however, died before she was even born.

Abby didn't seem to miss him and she never talked about our mother. Not since the incident anyway. It was difficult to understand a mother that seems to have loved all of her children, except for one. Me.

"Nature works in mysterious ways. I like to think we can help her more like this than if we were closer in age." Ryan replied.

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