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"Merle! You son of a bitch!" I yelled.

I thrashed against my restraints. They were too tight to slip out of yet I couldn't make myself stay still. It felt as if though I was in a cage and everyone knows caged animals turn wild easily.

A shout left my lips as I fought against the tape they used to restrain me. Heavy breaths left my lips as I tried to think of a way out.

These restraints were the first problem, I could try and get them off but even then I'd be in a locked room with many people on the other side of them.

I've faced worse odds to be honest, but I have to do is something. The longer I sit here, the less I can think straight. The door opened and a man walked in. It wasn't Merle for sure.

The man was tall, dressed surprisingly fancy for someone in an apocalypse and seemed to walk as if though he owned the place. He probably did. His eyes went over me as he slowly walked closer.

He pulled out a knife and I stared at him unimpressed by it. He then cut the duck tape and my eyes narrowed at the action. I rubbed my sore wrists as he sat down on a chair in front of me.

He tilted his head as a friendly smile formed on his face. I wasn't fooled by it though. It was the face of someone who has been faking a smile for so long that they don't know how a genuine one looks.

"It's Josephine, right? I'm the Governor. Merle told me about this little misunderstanding you've had with him. You tell us where your people are and I'll drive you there myself. You can trust me." He said.

A scoff left my lips as I glared at him. I wasn't born yesterday nor is this the first time I've been in the presence of an incompetent male.

I trust no one nor do I trust the people who kidnap me to get information. Merle isn't the type of guy who lives with saints.

"My trust in you is the same trust I have in Jesus. The nonexistent kind." I spat.

A smirk tugged on his lips at my words. I'm glad to know I can amuse even my enemies. I might die a painful and gruesome death, but at least my last words were funny.

He shifted in his seat tilting his head to get a better look at me. I know I'm pretty to look at but if he continues with that look, I'll burn his eyes off.

"You're worried about your people's safety, I get that. But there's no need for mistrust between us. All you have to do is tell me where your people are." He replied.

He got up and my eyes followed his every move. I noticed the knife in his belt and I inhaled sharply. All I have to do is get that knife and kill him.

Then I'll at least have a weapon to defend myself with when trying to find a way out. There's no way I'm leading him to my siblings nor am I leaving without Dakota.

"I'm not the kind to listen to what I'm told. Especially by egoistic pricks." I snapped.

He grabbed me by the elbow successfully pulling me up. I used the chance to grab the knife and swing it at him. He dodged it in time before punching me in the face.

I fell to the ground from the impact while the knife fell out of my hand and he bent down to grab it. I kicked him in the chest pushing him away from it. My hand reached out for the knife, but he grabbed me by the hair and slammed my head against the table.

Solitude -> The Walking Deadحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن