Chapter 6

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About an hour later, Luke woke up, still in the position he was before with Meg's head resting on his warm chest. He smiled to himself and stroked her hair. "I love you Meg, I really do." he said, no louder than a whisper. He didn't expect a reply but heard "I love you more" from Meg as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. The pair just smiled at each other and embraced each other in a hug.

Meg loved Luke's hugs, she always felt safe in his arms. She buried her head into his neck and closed her eyes, feeling relaxed and content. They released when they heard loud laughing from downstairs. They got up and they fixed their hair and straightened out the creases in their clothes.

They walked down the stairs, hand in hand, into the lounge, where the noise was coming from. It was Jai, Alex, Beau and his close friend Liv. "Hey Meg" Liv said getting up off the floor and greeting her friend with a hug. "Hi Liv, you ok?" Meg asked, noticing that she had a red mark around her eye. She simply shrugged as if to say 'I wish i was ok!' 

Liv had a boyfriend, called Matt, who was jealous of all the attention she gave Beau. He was abusive but she couldn't leave him because she was too scared. Her injuries got worse day by day. Ranging from a small scratch, to a broken arm. 

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