chapter thirty-bonus xx

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sophiemaddison and 845,092 others liked this post madders best man duties👊🏻💙 benchilwell

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sophiemaddison and 845,092 others liked this post
madders best man duties👊🏻💙 benchilwell

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madders and 883,092 others liked this post piperlimasxo my best friend is married,time to celebrate 🥂🥂 lilagrealishx

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madders and 883,092 others liked this post
piperlimasxo my best friend is married,time to celebrate 🥂🥂 lilagrealishx

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"Hello for everyone who doesn't know who we are we're jacks chosen best men" Ben stood up as he began the speech.

Jack had had a lot of trouble choosing between the two boys for the role of best man so he decided it would be best to have two and that suited the boys down to the ground.

"Yeah that's right we both play for Leicester so have thrashed villa many the time" James commented.

"I'm Ben if you don't have a clue who I am,I'm a defender so I don't get interviewed a lot" he joked
"And I'm James one of the reasons jack only has two england caps,I'm a midfielder" he commented

"Now when jack told us we would get to do a speech we was very excited because it's the only time we will ever get to speak without jacks brummie accent getting in the way" Ben joked.
"Yeah I can't say that my girlfriends from birmingham" James said

"Me and Ben did a lot of research into what you can and can't say in a best mans speech and apparently you can't really talk about the stag but you know We couldn't not let you hear the madness that went on in Dubai"
"So we get there on the first night and jacks already black out drunk so me and James thought it would be a laugh to let him sleep in the pool" Ben laughed.
"We thought you know dumping your drunk mate into a pool making him jump out of his skin get a good few views on instagram but it didn't work out like that did it Ben?" James laughed.

"No it didn't did it James because Mr Grealish over here was that deep in his sleep he never jumped or anything he nearly drowned" Ben said obviously still annoyed at jack for something that happened six months ago during winter break.
"We was panicking like mad while we got him out of that pool and then he just burst out laughing" James added

"So we have many cute stories about these two. But they do like a drink especially Lila so here's a few of them stories..." Ben said before telling a few of the tales about jack  they have from nights out.
"And I know lila and Piper are sitting here thinking please don't tell that story so guess what we're going to do tell that story" James said laughing already

"So if you have never seen Piper and Lila drunk together lucky you because they can be a handful and they have an obsession with grit bins when there drunk" Ben said.
"The best story we have about them when there drunk was when Lila climbed into a grit bin and knew Piper would walk past this grit bin outside the club so her plan was to jump out at Piper however someone thought they had found a dead body.." James explained

"Someone was dumping their kebab in the grit bin when they saw a girl asleep in the grit bin" Ben carried on.
"It's safe to say me and Piper has trouble explaining to the police how we knew the girl and this was a regular thing she did when she was drunk" James concluded the story.

The two boys talked for a while longer and told some sweet stories about Lila and jack before they decided it was time to do the toasts.
"Okay the first toast is for the parents of the happy couple so Michelle,Micheal,Karen and Kevin this one is for you" Ben said toasting his champagne when everyone was cheering
"Next toast is for the beautiful maid of honour,we know how hard you worked for today and we all love you for it so this one is for my beautiful girlfriend Piper" everyone cheered each other while cheering for Piper.
"Next toast is a bit different but this one is for all the footballers and everyone else on the stag here there's a good field outside so we'll have a good game later" Ben said while all the football lads chanted about jack.
"This toast is for the bridesmaids and Leah the flower girl ,I mean a toast isn't enough for dealing with Lila but you know I hope this helps, seriously though you all look gorgeous and did a really good job on the hen do by the looks of things so this is for Sophie,Erin,Bea and of course Leah" James said picking up his niece who was running around through out the whole of the speech.

"Last one now ladies and gentleman this is to two of our closest mates who are a bit loud and annoying but on a serious one you look stunning tonight Lila and jack bro what can I say,to the happy couple Mr and Mrs Grealish" Ben said while holding up his champagne while everyone cheered the loudest out of all the toasts
"Thank you for listening i think we did alright but I think the missus should let us have a drink now" James joked before sitting down next to Piper and kissing her cheek while everyone cheered.

Piper did her speech and so did Micheal,Lilas dad before it was time for the first dance. Lila and jack started their first dance alone and half way through all the couples joined in.

"This could be us next" James smiled at Piper
"Could be" she smiled back
"I love you" she smiled before kissing him softly
"And that speech was amazing" she chuckled
"What can I say?" He laughed before kissing her again

that's it it's all over... thank you's will be up now also I posted my surprise earlier.... also I cried so much writing this
lots of love and stay safe ❤️

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