chapter sixteen xx

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It was a week later and Piper and James had seen each other at every chance they got whenever they both had a couple of hours they would meet up. Piper was in pure bliss. She had never spoke to or let alone met a boy where she could be herself like she was with James.

Tonight was homemade pizza night. The two had decided that before James had to leave in 3 days for his England call up they would have a proper chill date night.

Piper walked through to the kitchen with all the ingredients in a Tesco bag.
"Hey beautiful"James said pulling her for a kiss.
"Hey what's got you in such a good mood?" Piper questioned
"I get to see you why wouldn't I be in a good mood also I got you a present" he said
"Why an earth have you got me a present?"
"So you know how I have an england call up and I really want you to come. I want you to meet the boys so I might have got you tickets please say you can come" James blurted out.
"What's the dates?" She asked opening her phone to check her calendar
"12th-15th" he said looking at her phone also
"Yeah I can come" she smiled giving him a peck on his lips

The two made there pizzas before placing them in the oven. James looked at the girl sat opposite him in awe
"How did I get so lucky?" he thought out loud making Piper turn her attention to him.
"you are actually so cute" Piper smiled.
"You know on Tuesday I might of told my parents that you will go with them,like they'll come to Leicester to pick you up with Soph obviously is that okay?" He asked nervously
"Meeting the parents and having a two hour car journey with them straight after. Well yeah also do your parents have a big car because I don't fancy being squashed in the back for two hours" piper laughed
"There taking my land rover so you should be fine also Soph is only coming because she's excited she gets to miss school" he laughed at his sisters hatred for school.

"Bless her she really hates it what was you like at school?"Piper asked her boyfriend
"I was fairly well behaved I was just more bothered about PE though and I was in every sports club that the school had. What about you?"
"I was well behaved got one detention in my whole time at school because of being on my phone" she laughed
"How come you was on your phone you seem like you would've been a goody two shoes" he laughed back
"I was i was it's it was business last lesson on a Tuesday and I was about to hit 10k so I checked it on my phone and I got caught"she spoke.
"What about year books how did you get on like did you win any awards?" James asked
"I got most likely to be famous and sweetest girl and then in sixth form I got most fancied girl but surprisingly I never won most likely to marry into money" she laughed
"What how did you not win that when your only with me for my money" he mocked the hate comments that no one else believed.

The two sat and had a chill night in watching eastenders as Piper was persistent she couldn't miss an episode.
"Like I think the only other person i know who watches this is my nan" he complained as the theme tune began.
"Shut up it's the only other series I can watch other than love island and in the middle of October that's not really possible" the girl spoke whilst stuffing her face with there homemade pizza.

A couple hours later and the couple had done nothing but relax. They had baked a cake and had it for desert and they sat and watched tv all night.

"Are you going home tonight?" James asked Piper who's hair he was playing with as she laid across his chest.
"Can I stay here I'm too tired to drive back" she said switching her attention from the tv to James.
"I was really hoping you would say that but it is going to be literally impossible for me to get up when you look so cute in the morning" he smiled.
"You are unbelievably perfect" she smiled back at the boy who makes her so happy.

The two got into bed,Piper in james training top and James in nothing but boxers. The two out there phones on charge before having a chat about how proud Piper was of James for being put on the bench for the england international team.
"You are literally a legend in my dads eyes" Piper smiled thinking about how good her brother,dad and James would get along.
"I can't wait to meet your parents when I spoke to Lila she said that there not scary at all" he commented
"Yeah well there not going to be when meeting your best friend I think when there meeting there angel of a daughters first boyfriend they will be a little more intimidating"Piper joked knowing what her parents were like when it came to boys.

Pipers parents had always been very over protective of there youngest child. They never had to worry about anything about her when it came to her early teenage years they never had to worry she would go out smoking or drinking or having sex. Piper wasn't like that. What they had always worried about was other people taking there daughters innocence kindness and vulnerability for advantage. When she perused social media that became even more of a worry that people would only want to be in her life for followers. However from what they could see of James and Pipers relationship he wasn't like that. Although he didn't support the Albion,pipers dad and brother had came to the conclusion that they thought he seemed like a decent lad. 

The next morning piper woke up to the sound of James's phone alarm going off.
"What time is it" she spoke croakily while sliding out of James's hold and sitting up to face him.
"5:30" he said in his deep morning voice.
"What time do you need to be at training?" She asked.
"Well half seven and before you asked why I'm up so early it's because I was meant to be running to training but I think I might have an extra hour of cuddling you and drive" he laughed with his normal voice coming through.
"I mean I'm not complaining" she smiled before sliding back into his grip.

I love this chapter as it's so chill. Also how do we feel about piper meeting the parents?
happy pride month btw 🏳️‍🌈
one last thing I wanted to say was with regarding what's going on in this world right now it is simply disgusting #blacklivesmatter.
The whole situation will be included in the book when it catches up to real time.
lots of love and stay safe ♥️

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