chapter twenty seven xx

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"Okay so is everyone ready for the Big Limas Quiz" Pipers mom said through the zoom call.
"We're ready"Piper smiled as she sat down next to James and gave him the bottle of beer.
"We are ready" Alfie and katie smiled through the camera.
"Us too" One of Pipers cousins who James met in February spoke.
"And us" Pipers other cousin smiled.

Family quizzes had become a regular thing on a Saturday night at 8 for Piper and James. The limas family would always take it in turns over who would come up with the questions this week it was Darren and Sarah's turn. So it should go a lot more smoothly than last weeks train wreck of Pipers auntie Lisa who couldn't join the quiz this time,partly from the embarrassment of only having 10 questions for the whole quiz.

"Okay so the first round is all questions to do with music so I'm going to 10 seconds of a song and I need the name of the song and the artist" Pipers dad explained. At the end of the room Piper and James had seven points, Alfie and Katie had 5 and both of Pipers cousins had a score of 3.

A couple of rounds later and Piper and James had 24 points along with Sam(Pipers cousin). Alfie and katie was on 23 and both of her cousins was on 18. They was currently having a break mainly so Pipers mom and dad could fill up their Prosecco and her dad could get another Beer.
"What you drinking James?" Pipers dad asked.
"Bud light, gotta try and stay as healthy as possible" he laughed.
"What about you Pipes?" Her dad asked
"Pink gin we have no vodka so I can't have a vodka lemonade" she smiled.

"Okay round number four is about football" Pipers dad smiled.
"Nah that's unfair Piper is literally with a footballer" Sam moaned.
"Sam shush I can't hear the questions" piper said knowing with James's career as well as obsession with football would make them have full points in this round.

"Question 8, what Leicester city player made there England debut in November?" Darren read the question out.
"Hmmm I really don't know that one" Piper said sarcastically while her boyfriend blushed obviously knowing the answer.

"And after the fourth and final round the winners with a whopping 34 points is...." Pipers mom spoke as everyone made a drumroll sound.
"Piper and James" Sarah cheered along with everyone else.

"Happy birthday for tomorrow darling I'm so sad we can't be there" Pipers mom smiled
"It's okay honestly,I'd rather us all just be safe but big 21 next year that will be an even better party" Piper laughed.

Tomorrow 1st of June was Pipers birthday James had initially planned to take piper to New York as he knew it was the top of her bucket list however with the virus they couldn't go to actual New York so James had planned to bring New York to them. He had bought presents and then fake dollars that Piper would have to hand over to get her presents. Each of the rooms in the house was a shop. The kitchen was McDonald's, living room Sephora, foot locker was in one of the spare bedrooms and in the other spare bedroom was Louis Vuitton.

They chatted to Pipers family a while longer before they ended the call.
"I actually really enjoy doing them quizzes" James said while scrolling through his instagram.
"So do I to be honest" Piper said cuddling him into his arms then he kissed the top of her head.

"Happy birthday baby" James practically screamed at his girlfriend.
"Thank you babe" she smiled sitting up in there bed to peck his lips. James then left the room to start setting up Pipers surprises.
"Hello everyone I'm sure Pipes will do a proper introduction to this but I have to be quiet otherwise she'll hear me but I'm sorting out all the things for the 'new york trip' and i thought I should show you the behind the scenes" James spoke into the camera. He had never been very good at vlogging but had recently made a huge effort to learn off Piper so he could record this.

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