Chapter 13 - A really bad choice!

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There were different kinds of different mosaic patterns on the doors, one showed some gods talking at a table, one showed a god fighting a monster, etc. Marco finally, decided to go through the huge doors. So he said to Janus "I wanted to go to inside that door." Janus replied, "Decision made! No regrets allowed!" As soon as Marco went in the door shut closed, and Marco was there alone, as the Greek God. Then, Janus somehow had magically vanished into the air. Then Marco found himself in a huge room, there were lots of sculptures of dead people on the shelves. Marco shivered. Then he looked up close and them. One had a skull-like head, one had a zombie-like arm, etc. Trust me, you don't want me to describe all of them. The most shocking part about these sculptures, is that the sculpture's eyes are opening and then closing, their body is also slowly shifting itself across the room. Marco was horrified! Marco hurriedly said to himself "What should I do next?" Marco's voice shuddered...... 

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