Chapter 2 - Teleporting to the ghost Island!

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The witch said to the boy, "Marco, I want you to go into that magical room. It will teleport you to your first place, the ghost island!" The boy asked no questions, because he was too scared to ask any. Marco asked the witch, if there are any reminders for him? The witch replied "You must take a special medication kit from the ghost king, and give it to me, straight after you return. Now go, Marco. Good luck!" Marco cautiously walked into the room and he said, "I want to go to the Ghost Island!" In a voice that only the witch could hear, because he was so scared, that his voice was shaky. When he went through the portal he could hear lots of different noises and sounds, but he didn't yet know what they were.

Then he saw himself sitting next to someone's tombstone. It wrote on the funeral that it belongs to "Horrendous Horrific Habrown". He looked at himself, that he was wearing all white, with lots of blood on it. Instead of a dinosaur drawn on his shirt, it was a bloody arm of a dead body, and this is what had scared him and made him feel really nervous. The arm had lots of blood covered over it, and there are also some dark-brown scars, on the broken arm. There wasn't a hand or a body, but just a broken arm.The sky was dark and gray, just like a big storm was coming. He heard lots of noises of people screaming and he also smelled rotten flesh, of dead animals and bodies. He thought that there must have been something wrong. Then, he looked around his surroundings, to make sure that no one was following him, or no one was going to attack him. Indeed, there weren't anyone alive around here, but still anything could happen, at any moment and at any time. So, he was extremely cautious. He thought, and thought, and thought, thinking where he would go? By what time does he have to return? Who is the ghost king? Could this funeral be the ghost king? The witch did not give him anything or tell him any information about this island, before he went here. What would Marco do next? It's all his decisions and responsibilities. Will he explore the place first? Or discover what had happened? Or look for the ghost king? Well we will have to find out. After five minutes, Marco is still thinking. He reminded himself that he must hurry. As the witch said to him, earlier. That time is passing quickly and there is no time to waste!

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