Chapter 1 - Meeting a witch!

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It's a bright day, the sun is shining, so brightly, that it even hurts Marco's eyes. Today should be the perfect time to go outside for a walk. It's 8:00 am, Marco's alarm rang. He looked at his calendar, that his mom had placed on his table, beside his bed. He was extraordinarily happy. Because he saw that today was his 13th birthday! Which meant that he is allowed to go outside on his own for the very first time! Which also meant that he also must have enough bravery to explore the outside world on his very own, without any help from his parents. Can he survive in the outside world?

He was extraordinarily excited. Marco lived in a town named "West Calm"!

He'd quickly got changed into his clothes. He'd put on his sunglasses, which made him look remarkably cool. He wore black jeans, with an azure light blue colored T-Shirt, that has a cute little Dinosaur drawing on it. The Dinosaur is mostly yellow and green, but the unique thing about this dinosaur is that it doesn't have any teeth! Then he'd quickly ate his tasty sandwich, that his dad made for him. The sandwich has multiple layers. The top layer is a piece of ham. The middle layer is 4 tomatoes and the bottom layer is a piece of cheese. What a tasty and healthy breakfast, that his dad had made for him. After he'd finished eating, he'd immediately thanked his dad for making him this healthy breakfast. After that, he'd cleaned up the table and washed the dish.

Then he said "bye-bye" to his mom and dad. Then he rushed out of the door, going outside for the first time on his very own. Zooommmmmm...... He saw buses, cars, roads, and people looking down at some sort of rectangle shape object. Nowadays, we call it a smartphone. As he walked for about 1.5 hours long. Suddenly, he thought that he'd heard someone's voice that had maybe called his name, "Marco Marco Marco Marco......" He thought that the voice might be coming from the left of the street. As he went towards the voice, there were lesser and lesser people. Marco started to feel afraid and scared. He wanted to turn back, but he also wanted to know who was calling his name. He paused there and thought, and thought, and thought...... Thinking of what to do next. The choices and responsibilities are his. Marco is now a brave and strong boy, and he thinks that he could stand or defeat anyone! So, he continued to walk towards the voice. Marco, walked closer, and closer, and closer, to where the voice was coming from. Suddenly, Marco noticed that it was a stranger's house. His parents did not let him or allow him to go into any stanger's houses. But, Marco had just dis-obeyed his parents, and went in...... Everything is completely dark, mysterious and spooky. Marco hates the dark. As he walked in the house, the lights suddenly turned on! There was a witch! With a black hat, a white shirt with blood dripping on it, white pyjamas and also the witch wore a reddish-brown coloured pair of shoes. Her face was horrible! It has an oval shaped face, red-long eyes, a wide mouth, that can swallow a person. The most shocking part about this Witch is that it's eyes pop-out and then in. Marco was Stunned and he almost froze there to death! After a while, the Witch started talking, "Marco, I want you to complete a quest for me." Then, Marco was so excited, Marco had forgotten all those frightening moments, because he was so excited to know what the quest was. The Witch began to talk again "Listen Marco. This is a very important quest. And if you fail this quest, I will never return back to my original state. You must collect a Special Medication Kit from the Ghost King, a Special Key from the Castle of Doom, a Precious Pink Heart from the Volcano of Horror, and a Reverse Stone from the Reversed Underworld. I could not help you because I am being controlled by an evil witch. I am a good witch, but to save me and to turn me back to my original state, you must successfully complete this quest and collect those 4 items!" Then Marco began to ask questions, "How would I get to The Ghost King?" Then, the Witch started to answer his question, "I have some good magic left, for you to get there, so don't worry." Marco began to ask more questions, but the Witch stopped him and said to him, "That we have no more time to ask questions and talk to each other." Marco quickly stopped asking the Witch questions and obeyed. Will he survive and complete his first quest?

Danger Adventures Series - The Ghost Island! (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now