Chapter 10 - In the cell!

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After an hour or so, of getting shocked by what had happened to himself. Marco used his hands to feel the bed and instead of touching the bed-sheet he touched one of the drawers handle, Marco screamed, "As he couldn't believe it." In a voice that only he could hear. Just as soon as he put his hands in the drawer and he found a torchlight, but as he clicked the button, it did not work! Then, he spoke to himself, "Wait for a second, this torchlight doesn't have a battery!" But he then said to himself that at least he got a tool to use, even if it isn't working. Then, he put it back into the drawer. He felt extremely tired during this journey. At the same moment, that he lied to down on the bed, he fell asleep. Just when he woke up, he didn't know where he was, and he smelled blood and heard screaming and crying noises. He saw that there was an oil lamp in the cell, but the torchlight was gone! And just as he sat up from the bed, he looked at what was in the room. There was a bed, with one drawer, underneath the bed, an oil lamp, a small table, and also a sewage gate at the top-left wall of the cell, just above his bed. Just as he is going to jump up and open the sewage, he heard someone's footsteps, coming to his way. Then he quickly lied down on the bed and then he saw a man with a huge mustache, a black nose, with some blood dripping out of his mouth. The man wore a reddish dark brown shirt, and the most shocking thing is that he has a gun and a knife in his hands, with lots of human blood dripping on it. Then, he whispered as loud as I ever dared to, "Run!" Then, the man asked, "Run, little boy?" Then after a minute of silence, the men said again to the little child in a fierce and mean way, "You will never run away, from me! It is the day to Murder Prisoners! By the way, nice to meet you, whatever the name you're called! This is your first day here right?" Marco then said, "Yes, Sir." Then Marco thought to himself that, the man sounds more friendly now, but just as he thought...... The man said to him, "It is also the day to kill you!' Suddenly, Marco was terrified! Just as the man said that to him, he murmured to himself, maybe it's time to run or maybe it's not yet time to run? Can he survive, without getting killed?

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