Chapter 32 - Above the clouds

Start from the beginning

"Defne," he called, looking intently into her eyes, "explain what happened?" You're not your own for half a day.

She gently removed his hand and asked:

- Let's light a fire in the fireplace.

- Are you cold? - Omer reached for the blanket, but Defne stopped him.

- No. I just want to look at the fire.

Omer lit a fire in the fireplace and when its living tongues danced on pine logs, he sat in front of his wife and, hiding her palms in his own, ordered:

- Tell me.

She looked up at him and asked:

"Do you remember that day, last summer, in your mom's mountain house?"

- Оf course I remember! He smiled. "It was then that I realized that I cannot live without you."

Defne's eyes brightened and Omer felt relieved, but her next words made him feel cold.

"Remember, I asked you to tell about yourself something that no one else knows." And you said you were afraid of ticklings on your neck.

- And? - fear, as a snake began to straighten its rings and raise its hissing, triangular head.

- Fikret knows.

Defne looked at his face and caught all involuntary emotions - disbelief, confusion, a glimpse of guesswork. The latter made her heart rollover.

"You told her," she did not ask. Just voiced the obvious. "But ... when?"

Omer's face darkened. He ran a palm over it and shook his head.

"I didn't say ... I think she guessed it herself."

- Did she guess it? Asked Defne. "But ... to guess ... she needed to touch you."

The picture vividly appeared before her eyes and she got nauseous. She clasped her hand over her mouth and rose from the couch.

- Defne, wait! - Omer jumped up next and held her hand. - Do not run away. Let's talk.

"I'm thirsty," she answered hoarsely.

- I'll bring it.

Omer put her back on the sofa and went into the kitchen. There, with a force hit palms against the countertop, he bowed his head and moaned quietly. And then he took Defne's favorite juice from the refrigerator and poured it into a glass. When he returned, he found her sitting motionless with palms clamped between her knees and looking at one point. He handed her the glass. She took it and took a sip. Sour juice precipitated nausea and made her feel better. Defne looked at her husband. He did not take his gaze from her.

- She touched you, huh?

He nodded.

- When?

- The first time in winter. She removed a leaf from the collar and touched my neck. I jerked.

- And second? Defne asked in a colorless voice.

- On Saturday. At the presentation. I went to the balcony ... she followed. She touched my neck and I jerked again.

"I see," she answered monotonously.

Omer crouched in front of her and took her hands.

"Beloved," he asked, "look at me."

When she looked up, he spoke with confident firmness:

- Both times I have not seen her. Therefore, I could not react in time. But believe me - her touch caused me only disgust. Do you believe me?

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