Pre-Christmas Pleasure

Start from the beginning

She even had the small nose and pointed ears of a fairy. She moved across the bar rather quickly as well.

Oh God what is this headache doing to me.

She quickly slipped behind and bar and began serving drinks. She then approached Walsh and I.

"Hey Hon, who's ya friend?" She asked in the classic New York accent. I out grew mines years ago.

"Boss. Serve me up. You know how I like it. " Walsh orders, winking at the fairy girl.

She returns shortly with his drink and they chat it up some more.

My phone blares crazily, earning me a few strange glares from others.

I look at the caller I.D, my father.

I slid the green dot on the screen to the right and before I could speak to him, I hear him cursing me in Italian, his native tongue so to speak.

"Leonardo, perché cazzo non averti risposto il telefono! Tua madre e io siamo stati preoccupati malati. Ricordate, noi dovremmo andare a cena stasera alle incontrato fidanzato di tuo fratello. E si è fatto esplodere! Tutta la famiglia era qui ... tranne te! Siamo estremamente deluso in voi e la vostra mancanza di responsabilità!"

Translation : Leonardo, why the fuck haven't you answered your phone! Your mother and I have been worried sick. Remember, we were supposed to have dinner tonight to met your brother's fiancé. And you blew it! The whole family was here... except you! We are extremely disappointed in you and your lack of responsibility!

I sigh and ball up my fists. Shit! I totally let that slip my mind. With the business, the event, and Stella... Oh God, my Stella it completely brushed past me.

I reply, " Padre, mi dispiace. Non ci sono scuse, mi scuso con Vargus e il suo fidanzato e chiedo di incontrarsi per il pranzo di domani."

Translation : Father, I am sorry. There is no excuse, I will apologize to Vargus and his fiancé and ask to meet up for lunch tomorrow.

On the other end of the phone I hear my father sigh and I can practically see him rubbing his temples seeing as he does this everytime he can sense something's wrong.

" Che cosa c'è che non va mio figlio?"

"Nothing is wrong father." I lie.

"You're lying, I only asked that to see if you'd trust me with the truth. Your mother called Stella asking of your whereabouts and Stella told her you two had an argument and that you two weren't speaking to each other."

"It's not that I don't trust you with the truth it's just that I don't want to talk about it. Besides I'm at the bar wasting away with my pal Walsh, now if you'll excuse me." I say before hanging up.

The pale fairy girl comes up to me. On one pale arm she had a rainbow tattoo of a butterfly that seemed to sparkle and shine.

"Want a drink hun?" She winked at me smacking on a wad of gum.

"Give me your strongest drink. I wanna forget." I sigh. My headaches now mild.

She slids a shot my way. Hesitating, I take the shot and feel.... absolutely nothing.

"Is that the bet you got." I challenge.

"Maybe." The girl smirks.

"I didn't quite catch your name. " I say.

"Sapphire. My name's Sapphire. "

"Okay Sapphire, " I grin. "Now we're going to try this again." I carefully flash a crisp twenty.

"Are you sure that's the strongest drink you have available?"

Sapphire shrugs. I pull out another twenty.

"I'll go double check the back room ." Sapphire winks before disappearing down a dark walkway.

She returns shortly with a few strange bottles with liquids that seemed to shine brightly, almost glow against the bottle.

With her back turn she mixed some of the sparkling, bubbly luquids before pouring the solution into a small glass.

She tops it off with a sprinkle of something from behind the bar and places the glass under my nose.

"This drink is special, it's called Christmas Pleasure and it's only served upon special request during the holiday season. Now before you take a sip, reflect about today's events. This will enhance the effects of the drink. " Sapphire explains.

Oh the things I'd do to kill this headache!

I run the whole terrible day through my head. Then I down half of it in a single gulp.

I swear I think there's like glitter or some shit in this drink.

Everything suddenly feels slowed down. I feel unbalanced as I sway back and forth on the stool.

Am I swaying back and forth? Or is the whole world actually spinning?

A rush of esctasy runs through my body followed by a strange stiffening chill which unsettled my spine.

"W-what did you do... what did you did to my drink?" I pointed a shaking and accusing finger at Sapphire.

To my shock, Sapphire really did look like a fairy. She fluttered her wings and pink scales and glittery stuff covered her body.

Shit, I've never been this drunk before. If anything, the drink worsened my headache.

She gasped and flew away. "Hey, you fairy chick get back here. " I call in a hoarse voice.

Before I knew it I felt the weight of the stool tip backwards and I, too felt back with it.

My body slammed against the cold hard ground as I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head as I in a cold, thick liquid....

Author's Note

Merry Christmas everyone! Well there you go! And don't spend every waking second on Wattpad silly peeps! Spend it with your family and friends!

As always keep reading and stay beautiful people!

XOXOXOXO, Jynnie_Nevaeh

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