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"Hey kid!" Remus ruffled Thomas' hair, "ready to hang with me and Jan!?"

Thomas nodded.

"Let's go!" Remus laughed, picking Thomas up.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Patton ran out with a bag, "I made Jan some catnip cookies!"

"Thanks Patt!" Remus laughed, "but Jan cant have catnip with his meds."

Patton tilted his head, "Janus asked me to make them."

"Can I have one?" Thomas asked.

"You're too young kid." Remus laughed.

Thomas pouted.

"I'll give them to Janus." Remus said, taking the cookies.

"Thanks kiddo." Patton smiled.

"Come on." Remus guided Thomas to the car.

~~~time skip ~~~

Remus opened the door to his home, "Welcome home Tommy!"

"Thanks." Thomas smiled.

"Hey you two." Janus smiled, slowly standing up from where he was laying on the couch.

"Babe, you're not supposed to be moving around!" Remus said.

Janus gave him a look, his tail flicking, "I can move if I want. Now I know you have cookies."

Remus pouted, handing them over, "you're gonna be zonked out between your meds and these cookies."

"That's the plan." Janus kissed Remus' cheek.

"Are you really that hurt?" Thomas asked, his ears flattening.

Janus' expression softened, "No. No, I'm okay. Its just some days the pain is worse than others."

"Okay." Thomas nodded.

Janus gave the young neko a small smile, "Alright. Let's get dinner started, since Ree cant cook."

"I only burned the toaster once!" Rrmus yelled.

"How- you know, I'm not even gonna ask." Thomas sighed.

"Yeah, when I was out Ree just ordered takeout." Janus rolled his eye.

Thomas laughed, helping Janus take out all the ingredients.

As the week went by, Thomas realized that Janus and Remus weren't as crude as he first thought. And by the end of the week, he decided to stay with them.

And such is the end of the story of these nekos.

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