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T.W.: blood, abuse/torture

Virgil woke up in a cage. It was dark and damp and he was all alone. Virgil started panicking as he hard the screams of another neko echo throughout the building.

The neko noticed that all the other cages around him were empty. He wondered if that was on purpose or if it was because the laws. His stomach grumbled. How long had he been out?

A door slammed open, making Virgil flinch. There was a sound of hissing and struggling, then a taser and screaming.

Footsteps got closer and closer. Virgil was frozen in fear as a human walked by, pulling on a lead.

Then Janus stumbled into view, being pulled by the lead.

Janus looked over and noticed Virgil cowering in his cell. He eye widened.

"Virgil!" Janus launched himself at the bars as Virgil did the same thing.

"J-jan!" Virgil whimpered.

"Shh, it's okay Virge." Janus said, petting Virgil's ears.

Janus' face was caked with blood, and his left eye seemed to have been gouged out.

"I-im sc-scared." Virgil cried, hiding Janus' hand tightly.

"We'll be oka- AAAAAAHHHH!" Janus' body arched as the human pressed the taser into his back.

When the human removed the taser, Janus fell to the ground and didnt move.

"Janus!" Virgil yelled, trying to reach through the bars.

"What are you doing!?" Augustus stormed over, "I have a buyer coming for that one! I want it to stay alive!"

"Sorry sir!" The human said.

"Get it back to its cage and bandage it up!" Augustus barked.

"Yes sir!" The human started dragging Janus away.

"As for you." Augustus opened the cage and grabbed Virgil before he could scramble away. Augustus pulled him close to his face, "I've been waiting days for you to wake up. You're gonna give me something before I sell you."

Virgil shook his head, trying to pull away from Augustus, "N-no!"

"Shut up!" Augustus slammed Virgil into the bars of the cell, "you're going to give me some kits before you're gone! Your genetics are too valuable! Hopefully your kits wont be fags like you."

Virgil whimpered as the bars pressed into his back, "I-I wont let you control me!"

Augustus growled, pulling a small bat from his belt, "You little-!"

Augustus' phone started ringing.

The man put the bat away and picked up his phone, "hello? You're early. No, it's not a problem. I'll bring you your neko."

Augustus hung up and threw Virgil back in the cage, "I'll be back."

Virgil curled up in a ball as Augustus walked away. He didnt know how much time had passed, but eventually people started yelling.

Virgil cowered in the far corner on his cage. Everything was too much.

Footsteps got closer and stopped in front of Virgils cage.

"Found another one! Bring a soft blanket!"

Virgil looked up to see two police officers opening his cage. The neko remembered the other officers that tried to take him away and cowered back.

"Hey, it's okay." one officer said, crouching down a few feet from Virgil, "we're here to rescue you, your master was arrested."

"H-he's not m-my m-master." Virgil gasped out, "I-I want my dads!"

"I know, I know." The officer kept her voice calm, the she turned to her partner, "hey Brian, see if theres anyone looking for a young neko with black fur, if so call them."

"Got it." The other officer nodded.

The first officer turned back to Virgil, "now what's your name kid? I'm Sadira."

"V-virgil." The neko stammered.

"Okay Virgil, can I come sit with you while we wait for your dads?" Sadira asked.

Virgil hesitated, but nodded. Sadira scooped up a blanket that was on the ground and moved to sit by Virgil, draping the blanket over his shoulders.

"Are you hungry?" Sadira asked, "I think I have some protein bars."

Virgil nodded and Sadira handed him two bars and some water.

"So how old are you Virgil?" Sadira asked.

"Sixteen." Virgil whispered.

"You dont act like most of the nekos we've rescued, how long have you been here?" Sadira asked, taking the wrappers from the bars.

"I was born here I think. Augustus abandoned me a while ago in a snowstorm. Then my dads found me." Virgil smiled lightly, "they took me in and told me about the laws and that I didnt have a master. Then my uncle got taken. And then I was too."

"I'm so sorry." Sadira sighed, hugging th e neko lightly, "your dads should be here any moment."

Virgil nodded. The spound of footsteps ran down the hall until Patton appeared in the doorway.

"Virgil!" Patton cried.

"Dad!" Virgil launched himself into Patton's arms.

"Virge!" Roman yelled, pulling Logan into a huge group hug, "we found you!"

"Are you okay?" Logan asked once the hug ended.

Virgil nodded, "wheres Uncle Janus? And Uncle Remus?"

"They're both at the hospital." Patton said, "Janus was hurt really bad."

Virgil's eyes widened, "is he gonna be okay!?"

"Hes going to be just fine Stormcloud." Roman said, petting Virgil's ears, "now let's get you home."

"I'll escort you out." Sadira said, standing up.

"Thank you." Logan nodded.

Then Virgil walked out with his family surrounding him. He was finally safe.

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