2.4K 112 72

T.W.: mild panic attack, blood, abuse

"Hello Sir, how may I-"

The reception lady was cut off by Remus as everyone else filed in behind him.

"My boyfriend is missing!" Remus yelled, "He's a five ten calico neko! He has scars on the left side of his face and is half blind in his left eye! Hes 21 and his name is Janus!"

"Okay, calm down sir," the lady said, typing on her computer, "you said he was 21? Is he chipped?"

Remus shook his head, "he got it removed when he was 18."

"Alright, do you have any idea of who might take him?" The lady asked.

Remus shook his head again, "only his old master. And I only know his code name. 4955."

Virgil felt a pit of fear in his stomach as his ears flattened.

"Are you okay kiddo?" Patton asked.

Virgil started trembling, "t-that was m-my old m-master."

"Your old master?" The lady asked.

"We've already filed a report." Logan said, "it should be under Virgil Sanders."

"Alright. We'll take a look through that." The lady said, "thank you for your information. We'll give you a call if we have any leads."

"Thank you." Remus said, giving the lady his information.

"Come on bro." Roman said, leading Remus out of the police station.

Remus nodded, on the verge of tears.

"Dad?" Virgil whispered as they followed Roman and Remus, "I'm scared."

"I know kiddo, but you'll be okay." Patton hugged the boy.

Virgil nodded. He was terrified. Janus had gotten taken in his front yard, what if Virgil was next? He didnt want to go back. He couldn't go back!

"Virgil, breathe, you're going to be okay." Logan said, placing a hand on the nekos shoulder as Patton drove them home.

Virgil curled up closer to Logan, breathing heavily, "I dont wanna go back..."

"You wont kiddo." Patton said, looking like he wanted nothing more than to give everyone hugs and cookies.

"But what if I do!?" Virgil cried.

"Then we'll get you back." Roman said firmly, "just like how we're gonna get Janus back."

Virgil nodded. He just wanted everyone to be safe.

(Janus' POV)

Janus curled up in the middle of his cage, his tail fluffed up and his ears pinned back in fear. He was bleeding from numerous lashes his Master gave him for talking back. Janus whimpered. He just wanted Remus.

The calico neko remembered when Remus first found him.


Janus had been taken to the market. This hadn't been the first time he'd been, so he knew how to behave. Stand, be quiet, recite your information to a potential buyer, and never disobey.

It was a busy day that day, lots of nekos and people walked by his cage. Almost no one looked at him. Who would want a mutt who's half blind?

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