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Everyone was sitting in the living room, save for Remus. Remus hadn't been out of his room since Virgil was taken. He blamed himself for what happened to both nekos.

Patton sighed and stood up, "I'm gonna go check on Remus."

"I will too." Roman also stood up.

Patton nodded, "maybe you can get him out of bed. All I ever hear from his room is snoring."

Roman rolled his eyes, "I'll get a glass of water."

Once Roman had gotten a glass of ice water, he and Patton made their way to Remus' room.

"Kiddo?" Patton knocked on the door, "are you okay? You haven't been out lately..."

The only response was snoring.

"That's it- Remus! We're coming in!" Roman threw open the door.

Only the room was empty. A small recorder was plugged into the wall, repeating the snoring.

Patton and Roman were shocked. They knew Remus was crazy, but would he really go this far?

Meanwhile, Remus was camping out with a search and rescue team, five minutes away from the place where Virgil and Janus were being held.

"You sure you dont want backup?" One officer said.

"I'm sure." Remus nodded, "he'll get suspicions if I'm with other people."

"Alright. Just remember the code." The officer said.

Remus glared in the direction of the building, "I know."

"Then let's go." The officer nodded to the rest of her fleet.

The group marched toward the building. They had found it due to Remus slipping his phone into the van that took Virgil just before it drove off. Now they were going to get them back.

Remus went up to the front door while the others hung back and called Augustus.

"hello?" Augustus answered gruffly.

"Hey, its Remus, I'm here for my neko?"

"You're early."

"Is that a problem? I could just leave."

"No, it's not a problem. I'll bring you your neko."

"Good." Remus smiled as he hung up.

Remus gave a subtle nod to the group. A few minutes later, Augustus came out with another man and a neko between them.

Remus felt rage build up inside of him as he saw his boyfriend. Janus' eye was wrapped in bandages, just like the day Remus first rescued him, and his skin was littered with cuts and bruises.

"Money." Augustus held out his hand.

"How do I know you're not gonna take him right back inside once I give you the money?" Remus said, "give him here first."

Augustus grunted, "fine."

The other man threw Janus into Remus' arms.

Janus looked up, shock filling his eye when he saw Remus standing there. Remus gave him a small smile before flipping Augustus off.

The officers burst out of hiding, "FREEZE! You're under arrest for neko trafficking! Anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law!"

"What the-!" Augustus yelled as officers handcuffed him, "you tricked me you bastard!"

Remus glared at him, "that's what you get for kidnapping my boyfriend and my nephew."

Augustus went red as he was taken to the police cars.

"R-ree..." Janus whispered, dropping to the ground.

"Hey, you're okay Jan." Remus held him as he fell, "it's over now."

Janus tucked his head in Remus' chest, sobbing. Remus gently pet Janus' ears, hugging him as tight as he could without hurting his boyfriend.

"Remus!" Roman yelled, running over with Logan and Patton close behind him.

"R-roman?" Janus slowly lifted his head.

Patton gasped, "Janus!"

"They're all here Jan." Remus whispered, kissing the side of his head.

Patton dropped to the ground and hugged the two, "I'm so happy you're okay!"

"Those bandages dont look clean... We should take him to the paramedics." Loagn pointed out.

"You're right." Remus nodded, picking up his boyfriend, "come on babe, let's get you checked out."

Janus nodded, wrapping his arms around Remus' neck.

"Wheres Virgil?" Roman asked as the police lead out a young, brown haired neko who looked terrified.

"He's in there." Janus rasped out, "I saw him not long ago."

"They'll find him." Remus nodded, "I promise."

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