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"Hey Virge!" Remus yelled as Patton opened the door, "wheres my favorite nephew!?"

"Um, kiddo, Roman's not his dad." Patton chuckled.

Remus looked confused, "but I thought the three of you were raising him together? Which makes you his dads?"

Patton went bright red and Logan choked on his coffee, having to sit down at the table while he coughed.

"I- well, um, we're not- ah..." Patton stumbled over his words, his face going a darker shade of red.

"Just let him think what he wants to think." Janus sighed, a purple wrapped gift under his arm, "anything else might confuse him."

"Anyway, where are Roman and Virgil?" Remus asked.

Logan cleared his throat, "they're getting some seafood. Roman insisted that it be the freshest he could get, so they went out an hour ago. They should be back soon."

"Wonderful." Janus smiled, setting the gift on the table, "it's been a while since I've had fish."

"You ordered salmon last week on our date." Remus raised an eyebrow.

"Exactly, it's been a while!" Janus crossed his arms, his tail flicking.

The door opened again and Roman ran in singing, "WE'RE BACK!"

"Virgil!" Remus yelled, "my favorite nephew!"

"What?" Roman rounded on his brother.

"He thinks we're all Virgil's dads." Logan said.

"You-You're not?" Virgil asked, his ears drooping.

"Well, you see-" Roman started.

"We can be your dads if you want kiddo!" Patton smiled.

Logan and Janus gave each other a look.

"Anyway!" Roman said, "let's get our seafood fest cooking!"

"It's time to eat!" Patton called as he set the last plate of food on the table.

"Wait! Remus yelled, grabbing the purple box, "Jan and I got Virgie a gift!"

"Oh! Open it! Open it!" Roman grinned as his brother handed the neko the gift

Virgil giggled as he tore open the paper. The neko gasped when he saw what was inside.

"Its so cool!" Virgil said, holding up a necklace with a purple storm cloud on it.

"I was the one who picked it out!" Remus giggled.

"Well I can say it's quite fitting for our little Stormcloud." Roman smiled.

Virgil slipped the necklace around his neck, "thanks Uncle Ree and Uncle Jan!"

Remus grinned proudly.

"Alright, can we eat now?" Logan asked.

"Yep!" Patton giggled.

After everyone finished dinner, Patton and Logan went to clean the dishes.

"Ugh I think I had too much shrimp..." Remus whined.

"That's cause you ate the shells and tails dear." Janus chuckled.

"I feel horrible!" Remus groaned.

Janus rolled his eyes, "I'll get that nausea medicine."

"Nausea medicine?" Roman asked.

"He tried to chug a bottle of hot sauce and had to go to the ER." Janus deadpanned, "they gave us some extra medication in case it happened again."

"Best mistake of my life!" Remus yelled, before he went pale and ran to the bathroom.

Janus sighed and stood up, "I'll be back in a second."

The calico neko walked out the door to his car. He was about to open the door when he felt like he was being watched. Janus shrugged it off, containing to search for Remus' meds.

Suddenly, Janus was grabbed and a bag was put over his head. The neko tried to yell, but the person had put a hand over his mouth. Janus started struggling, trying not to get dragged away.

"Are you sure this is the one?"

"Who cares! Just get it into the car! The boss wants a neko and he'll get a neko!"

Janus felt a spear of panic in his stomach. They were taking him back there. He didn't want to go back! He couldn't go back!

Janus felt a prick in his neck right before he passed out.

Meanwhile, Remus had come back from the bathroom.

"Wheres Jan?" He asked.

"He hasnt come back yet." Virgil said.

"What?" Remus tilted his head, "it's been a while."

Virgil nodded, "Roman was gonna check on him, but I think he started helping Dad and Lo."

Remus frowned, "I'll look for him."

Remus went outside, looking for any sign of his boyfriend. He thought maybe they had just missed each other...

Until Remus saw Janus' phone on the ground.

Remus ran back inside, "JANUS IS MISSING!"

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