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"We're back!" Roman sang opening the door.

Virgil giggled as he walked in behind Roman, his arms full of room decor and some bedsheets he picked out.

"Hey Ro-Ro!" A man laughed.

Roman froze, "Patton! I thought you said the gremlin was coming tomorrow!"

"Well, Remus and I were in the vicinity when Patton called and had nothing to do, so here we are." A neko with a large scar on his face smirked from where he was sitting on the table, his calico tail swishing lazily.

Roman sighed, "hello Janus."

"Is this the neko you rescued!?" Remus asked, looking at Virgil, who shrunk back.

"Yes, this is Virgil." Roman said, "Virge, this is my brother Remus and his boyfriend Janus."

"There you two are!" Patton laughed as he walked into the room with Logan, "I was wondering when you were coming back! Did you have fun Virge?"

Virgil nodded, "y-yeah. Roman got be this really soft blanket-"

"Oh my gods your voice is so cute!" Remus gasped, making Virgil jump.

"Remus, dear, calm down." Janus said, placing a hand on his boyfriends shoulder.

Remus pouted.

"Why dont you go put your stuff away while we talk, okay kiddo?" Patton said to Virgil.

The young neko nodded, rushing off to his room.

"So what do you know about this neko?" Janus asked.

"He's sixteen, very underweight, and he said hes a class A purebred?" Logan said, "I dont know what that means though."

Janus grit his teeth, "it means hes supposed to be very valuable."

"What do you mean?" Roman asked.

"Ree, you remember how much you bought me for?" Janus said.

"Yeah? It was like, 20,000 dollars. And I had to bargain the price cause the jackass wouldn't sell you." Remus hissed.

"I was a class C mixbreed. Only valuable because I'm a male calico." Janus explained, "Virgil would have been worth ten times as much."

"Would have been?" Patton asked.

Janus nodded, "that was when buying and selling nekos was still legal. He could very well be worth a lot more on the black market. Which makes it even more confusing as to why he was just abandoned."

"I-its cause I'm g-gay." Virgil whispered from the entrance to the living room, "th-they wanted me to m-mate with the other nekos but I wouldn't and-"

Virgil squeezed his eyes shut, his ears going back.

"Virgil, is that what those scars are from?" Logan asked.

Virgil nodded, "p-please dont hurt m-me."

"Kiddo, we wouldn't hurt you." Patton said, rushing to hug the trembling neko.

"Virgil," Janus sighed, walking over to the boy, "I've been through that before. I know how awful it is. So if you need to talk about anything, I will listen."

Virgil nodded, "thank you."

"Of course." Janus pet Virgil's ears, then frowned, "your fur is in terrible condition. Did you happen to get any neko fur kits while you were out?"

Roman groaned, "I knew I forgot something!"

"Roman." Logan sighed "that was the one thing we told you not to forget!"

"But Virgil loved Hot Topic!" Roman said, "I couldn't make him leave early!"

"I'm pretty sure Hot Topic has fur kits." Remus pointed out.

"Its fine." Janus sighed, his ears pinning back in annoyance, "I brought an extra one just incase. Let me go grab it."

It was silent for a while as Janus left the room.

"What if you... sniffed your dogs butt?" Remus blurted out.

"Remus, with all due respect, shut up." Logan sighed.

Remus crossed his arms, "Janus is my filter and if he's not here I say what I want, when I want!"

"Then I'm your new filter." Roman said, hitting the back of Remus' head.

"Speaking of Janus, he's taking a while." Patton pointed out.

"Nah, the kit was just buried under all our other groceries. It'll take him some ti-" Remus was cut off by the door slamming.

"Remus!" Janus stormed into the room, his tail flicking furiously and holding a fur kit, "why the FUCK did you put every breakable item on top of the kit!"

Remus grinned and tried to kiss his boyfriend, "cause I looove you!"

"Get the fuck away from me. I love you too." Janus pushed Remus over, "heres your kit Virge. It has a comb, a brush, special shampoo and conditioner, and some other stuff."

"Thank you." Virgil smiled, starting to look through it all.

"You're welcome." Janus smiled, "now Remus and I need to get home. Right honey?"

Remus gulped and leaned over to Roman, "If Janus ends up killing me, will you avenge my death?"

Roman smiled, "No."

"Remus." Janus smiled at his boyfriend.

"Okay! Well it was nice seeing you guys again and meeting Virge!" Remus laughed nervously, "bye!"

Remus bolted out the door.

"Call if you need anything." Janus waved as he walked out.

"Well Virgil, why dont you go wash up while Patton, Logan, and I fix your bed?" Roman said.

"And then I can make dinner!" Patton giggled.

Virgil smiled, "okay."

Once Virgil was out of earshot, Logan spoke up.

"We have no idea what we're doing." He sighed.

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