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Virgil cowered in the corner of his cage as his master marched over to him.

His master yelled at him to get up, putting his collar on and yanking the lead. Virgil's master dragged him out of the cage and to the trailer. Virgil wondered if he was going to the market again, and if so, why he was the only one.

The neko shivered in the winter air as his master threw him in the trailer. They drove for a long time before the trailer jerked to a stop.

Virgil's master opened the trailer and threw Virgil out into the snow. He told Virgil to stay as he drove away. So Virgil did.

The neko stayed even when his black tail and ears started turning white from frost. He stayed even when he knew his master wasnt coming back. He stayed even when someone started calling his name.




The neko woke up with a gasp.

"Are you okay Virge?" Roman asked, "you looked like you were having a nightmare. Should I get Patton?"

Virgil shook his head, curling up in Roman's arms, "it was a nightmare... I dreamt about when my ma- 4955... threw me out."

"I'm sorry Virge." Roman sighed, "Patton made pattoncakes, are you hungry?"

Virgil nodded.

Roman lead Virgil out of the nekos room, Virgil clinging to his sleeve.

"Hey kiddos!" Patton smiled, "pattoncakes are on the counter, dig in!"

"Did you get the crofters?" Roman asked.

Patton giggled, moving Logans least favorite cereal box to reveal a jar of jelly, "Had to hide it from Lo."

"Thanks Patt!" Roman grinned, grabbing the crofters.

"You said there wasnt any left!" Logan yelled.

"You always eat it all!" Roman complained.

Logan turned to glare at Roman.

"Shit!" Roman cursed, running to his room with the crofters.

"Get back here with my fucking crofters!" Logan growled, running after him.

"Language!" Patton shouted after them, his hands on his hips.

"RAT SHIT! BAT SHIT! DIRTY OL' TWAT!" Remus shouted, bouncing into the room, "69 ASSHOLES TIED IN A KNOT! HOORAY! LIZARD SHIT! FUCK!"

Patton sighed heavily as Virgil fell to the floor laughing.

"How are you Remus?" Patton asked once everyone calmed down.

Remus shrugged, sitting at the table and taking the mug of coffee Patton handed him. He had been staying at the apartment so everyone could keep an eye on him.

"I've been better." Remus sighed, "I just... really miss Janus."

"I know kiddo." Patton rubbed Remus' shoulder, "we'll find him eventually."

Remus nodded. Logan walked out, the jar of crofters in his hand.

"Hey kiddo, where's Roman?" Patton asked.

"There is no need to worry about him Patton." Logan said, grabbing a plate and some pattoncakes.

"Is he at least coming out for breakfast?" Patton asked, raising his eyebrows in concern.

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