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Virgil kept his eyes closed when he woke up. Was it all a dream? Was he really rescued?

Slowly, Virgil opened his eyes. It was real.

A knock on the door made him jump.

"Kiddo? I have some breakfast for you. Can I come in?"

"Um, y-yeah." Virgil called, rubbing his eyes.

The door opened to reveal Patton holding a bowl of oatmeal.

"Hey kiddo! How are you doing?" Patton asked, handing Virgil the food.

"I feel a lot better." Virgil smiled.

"That's good." Patton giggled, scratching behind Virgil's ears.

Virgil started purring as he ate, bus tail flicking lazily.

"Say, how old are you kiddo?" Patton asked.

Virgil swallowed the bite in his mouth, "sixteen."

"Oh, okay." Patton nodded.

"I-is that bad?" Virgil asked, his ears drooping.

"No, no!" Patton chuckled, "it just makes me mad that someone would leave you alone in the snow while you're so young."

"Oh." Virgil nodded, "ho-how old are you?"

"I'm 22." Patton giggled, "Logan is nineteen and Roman is twenty."

"O-okay." Virgil said.

"Oh! That reminds me!" Patton started, "Roman said he wanted to take you to the mall to get you some new clothes. After Logan checks you out of course."

Virgil blushed, "that... sounds like fun."

"Good." Patton smiled, giving one last scratch behind Virgil's ears before getting up to leave, "as soon as Lo is back from class, he'll check you for injuries and then you'll be free to go."

"Thanks Patton." Virgil smiled softly.

"No problem kiddo." Patton said, "now eat up, you're underweight as is."

Virgil nodded and took another bite of his oatmeal. It was really sweet and better than anything he had ever had.

Virgil was almost finished when someone knocked on his door.

"C-come in." Virgil said.

"Salutations Virgil." Logan smiled, "I assume you are feeling better?"

Virgil nodded, "Patton said that Roman's gonna take me to the mall later!"

Logan chuckled, "well, let's make sure you're well enough to go."

Virgil nodded.

"If you are comfortable, I would like you to remove your shirt so I may check your torso." Logan said.

"Oh, um, okay." Virgil nodded.


Roman paced around the living room. He needed to make a good second impression on Virgil after he scared him the other day.

"Kiddo, you're gonna wear a hole in the carpet." Patton said.

"I just want to make a good impression on him!" Roman cried, "what do sixteen year olds like!? What do sixteen year old nekos like!?"

"Why dont you call Remus and Janus?" Patton suggested, "Jan might know something, considering he is also a neko."

"I'd rather eat my sword." Roman sighed.

"Now dont be like that kiddo." Patton said, "we dont know how to raise a neko. We need all the hell we can get."

Roman groaned, "but from my brother?"

"Yes Roman." Patton giggled, "I'll invite them over tomorrow."

"No!" Roman whined.

"What's Roman complaining about now." Logan sighed, making Virgil giggle.

"I'm inviting Remus and Janus over tomorrow." Patton shrugged.

"We dont need their help!" Roman pouted.

"Yes we do." Logan sighed.

"W-who are Remus and Janus?" Virgil asked.

"Remus is my brother." Roman grimaced, "and Janus is his boyfriend. Hes a neko."

Virgil's ears and tail perked up, "Janus is a neko!?"

"Yep!" Patton giggled.

"Anyway," Roman sighed, "is Virgil cleared to go to the mall?"

Logan nodded, "yes. Just try not to go too crazy."

Roman smiled, "Alright! Are you ready Virge?"

The neko nodded excitedly, "uh-huh!"

"Right this way then!" Roman laughed, leading Virgil out to the car.

The ride to the mall was full of chatter until Virgil brought up a sensitive subject.

"Patton told me you had a friend who was a neko. Do you think I could meet her?" Virgil asked.

Roman felt his heart break, "I... I'm afraid that's not possible."

Virgil looked confused, "why not? Patton said they found her after she was kidnapped?"

"They did but..." Roman sighed, "how can I explain this... the people who kidnapped her, hurt her really bad. She ended up leaving this world before they found her."

"Roman. I know what death is." Virgil said, "you can say it out loud."

Roman just stayed quiet until they parked.

"Well, were here!" Roman said, smiling at Virgil.

The nekos ears drooped, "t-theres a lot of people..."

Roman scratched Virgil's ears, "it'll be okay, I'll be right by you the entire time."

Virgil nodded, slowly getting out of the car.

"How about we get you some new clothes first?" Roman asked.

"O-okay." Virgil nodded, following Roman into the mall.

Roman lead the boy to the clothes section, "pick anything you want!"

"Anything?" Virgil asked.

"Anything!" Roman smiled.

Virgil smiled brightly, his ears perking up. The boy ran around, looking at all the clothes. Everything was going well, until Virgil turned around and ran right into someone.

"Watch where you're going, you stupid neko!" The man huffed.

Virgil shrank back on the floor, his tail poofed. 

"Well? Are you going to say anything!?" The man yelled, causing Virgil to flinch.

"I-I-" Virgil squeaked.

"What's going on?" Roman asked, standing in front of Virgil.

The man looked Roman up and down, "nothing."

"Are you okay Virge?" Roman asked, kneeling down to his level.

Virgil nodded quickly.

"Are you sure?" Roman asked again.

"Y-yeah." Virgil stammered, "u-um, l-look! I found this cool jacket!"

Virgil held up a black hoodie with purple patches on it.

Roman smiled, "so you like purple, huh?"

Virgil nodded, hugging the hoodie.

Roman chuckled, "Alright, then let's go look for some more purple stuff. I think I know just the store."

Virgil tilted his head as Roman helped him up and started leading him down the hall.

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