⁙ ⁘ ⁛⁑OuTeR⁑⁛ ⁘ ⁙

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Outer wakes up in his room, last night he decided to go to sleep on ceiling, because why not. And papyrus yells from downstairs, "SANS! SLEEPYBONES! ITS TIME TO GET UP!!"
The loud volume of his brother made his headache a whole lot worse.

"c-c..coming b-bro.." outer croaked, his (nonexistent) throat felt horrible. He got his jacket on and his slippers, and went out of his room to go to work with his brother. Papyrus looked up the stairs to find a very drowsy, shaky outer. "Sans? Is something wrong?" Papyrus asked, a bit concerned. "M'fine p-paps, j-just 'bone-tired' heheh.." outer laughed a bit at his own pun. "AAAGHH! YOUR STUPID SILLY PUNS RUIN EVERYTHING!! JUST COME ON! WE CANT BE LATE!" Papyrus yelled, annoyed. Outer winced at how loud his brother was, but slowly dreaded each step he took going down the stairs. His bones ached all over, he felt way more exhausted than usual, he felt like he was on fire, basically. Outer looked at papyrus as they were approaching his post, and he was looking right back at him, bad sign of concern. Outer sighs. "P-paps, I'm f-fine! I-I'm lazy, I-I would t-t-tell you If I-I wasn't!" Sans cracked a small smile to reassure papyrus, as his old smile was fading. Papyrus looks at outer sternly, helping him not float away because of no gravity. "Sans, you don't tell me anything, so I doubt you would tell me if you weren't okay!"
"P-p-paps, y-you s-shouldn't worry, I'm f-feeling 'outer' t-this world!" Outer punned.


Outer then stops, his eyes go blank, and then he passes out.


In only minutes, outer managed to pass out. This was no wonder to outer, but papyrus was in a mixture of pissed, and worried about it. Papyrus has managed to catch the sick skeleton in his arms before he hit the ground, training had taught him to have some pretty good instincts. He held outer, bridal style, and started carrying him back toward their house. He always wonder why outer decided to hide these things from him, but didn't mind at the moment. The most important thing was to get outer home, in bed, and make him some hot tea.

(Oof later, (no ideas alert oh noooo!)

Papyrus sets outer in his bed after attempting to make it decent enough to sleep on. Then heads downstairs to make the tea. As soon as the door shuts, outer wakes up, startled by the fact he's now in his room, in his bed, with a cold rag on top of his skull. "Huh?.." outer says shakily. Outer lays in the bed, staring up at the ceiling until papyrus comes back. "Dear brother! I have finished the tea!"
Papyrus says, trying not to have his usual loud voice for outer. "T-that's cool b-bro!.." outer replies back, halfway unable to pay attention to what was being said. Papyrus goes up the stairs and into outers room, placing the tea on a nightstand near his bed. "T-thanks bro.. you're the g-greatest." Outer says after taking a sip of the tea. After taking a couple sips of the tea, outer realizes the papyrus hid a little surprise inside. A sleeping pill. "P-paps..y-you p-put...a..." and then he was off to sleep. Papyrus put a sleeping pill in his tea so he could sleep easier. knowing outer, he would have a bit of trouble resting and sleeping if he feels like crap, so he put it in the tea to help. Papyrus goes downstairs and turns mettaton on. Outer was resting, so he could too.

(I return fam.)

Different Sans AUs getting sick because why not✨Where stories live. Discover now