Underswap Papyrus(rewrite)

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Papyrus and Blue were out on a walk in weather that was almost in the negatives. Papyrus's orange hoodie wash in the wash, due to the fact blueberry had snuck it out of his room to finally wash it, so Paps was in a black tank-top and his regular tan shorts. "Paps, you know you could've gotten on a sweater of some sort!"

"M'fine b-bro, d-d-don't worry"

"But pap—"

"Blue, c-calm d-down, ill b-be f-fine"

"Your shivering"

"H-huh, thats n-new."

"Papyyyy! I'm not joking!"

"*sigh*, well then let's get to Alphys quicker."

And so they did.

"HEYA DORK! READY TO TRAIN?!" Said Alphys while looking at blue, who was staring at papyrus, who sat down and leaned against a tree, an emotionless expression on his face.

"dork?..You alright there blue?"

"O-oh! Yes! I'm fine, but I don't know about papy.."

"What do you mean? Is something wrong with him? Did you too have a fight?"

"W-What?! Never! The magnificent Sans would never fight with his brother! But yeah, I think that something is wrong"

"I can call Undyne, to check on him if you want?"

"Yes, yes! That would be great! Thank you Alphys!"

"Heh. No problem dork. Now let me call him while you warm up for the training okay?"


Blueberry goes to warm up, and Alphys calls undyne to take a look at papyrus.
Papyrus head hurt so much he couldn't concentrate on the words coming out their mouths, it all just sounded like distant murmuring to him. All he heard clearly was the worry in Sans voice. He knew he knew something was wrong, And papyrus knew he was sick.

Later when Alphys and blue are fighting, undyne shows up and takes one look at papyrus.

"P-papyrus y-you l-look sick."

"Y-Yes undyne..i-I am fully a-aware."

Papyrus goes into a coughing fit and undyne watching while grabbing the thermometer out of her bag."p-papyrus put this u-under your a-arm so I-I can take your t-temperature" undyne says in a worried tone. As soon as she does, he is sent home with medicine, and sans didn't notice. When paps gets home, he (of course) sleeps until sans gets home and starts taking care of him.

(I'm so sorry that this is short and lazy ;-; I'm better at doing sans ;^;)

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