Nightmare,and killer.

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Nobody POV

Nightmare woke up as he normally would, except he felt like total crap, but didn't want to seem weak or worry anyone, so he stuck to acting like he wasn't sick, no matter how hard.
"I s-swear, if I-I'm *clears non-existent throat* g-getting sick.."
Nightmare decided he would check on killer and horror, to make sure of it that they were getting prepared for training
(Don't ask.)
He walks into killers room.
"K-killer, you awake bu- Jesus Christ killer what the hell!"
He sees killer weak on the ground, attempting to try and reach for the bed. Killer had a massive dark blue and red  blush across his skull, he was sweating bullets, and looked exhausted. "N-n-night..mare?..." says killer weakly, almost scared. *god not you too..* thought nightmare to himself as he approached killer. "Sh*t, l-l-look, I-I'm f-fine! N-no need to *coughing* d-do n-nothing-" said the weak killer, who was interrupted by nightmare carrying him back to his bed. Killer was surprised, he expected something the exact opposite of what happened.
although nightmare had the same symptoms, nightmares symptoms were worse since he hadn't been sick in a long while, 2 years at least.
"D-dont..(coughs) e-expect t-this *sniff* all the t-time.." said nightmare. Killer examines nightmare, since he felt like something was wrong, and believes that nightmare is literally sicker than him, nightmares normal posture is straight, of course with his hands in his pockets, but nightmare looks like it's hard to even stand, he has a gigantic blue blush on his skull, and he was coughing harder than he was, he decided to try and get nightmare to take care of himself. "N-nightm-mare...*sniff* c-can you p-please go sit down?.."
Nightmare thought he was hiding it pretty well until he noticed all the red flags with his acting.
Nightmare sighed shakily but still tried to pretend. "K-killer, y-you dont n-need to w-worry about me, I-I am are the one w-who was s-sweating bullets while on t-t-the floor while c-coughing to death."
then killer got an idea.
K"C-can you c-check my t-temp?"
K"b-because I j-just wanna k-know?"
Nightmare walks out of killers room to grab the thermometer, still confused.
Killer smiled weakly thinking about how he would react when he did what he needed to do.he wasn't as alert to things since he was ill, was killer. So he couldn't judge.
Nightmare walked back in and went towards him with the thermometer, and slowly ran it across his fore-skull.
"T-there." Said nightmare shakily. "What d-does it *cough*r-read?"
"*silent for a second* ..102.." said nightmare, a tad worried for him"
Killer replies with "n-not s-surprised.." "n-now give it h-here r-really quick"
"Uhh...o-okay?..why?" Said nightmare, confused, and gave him the thermometer. Killer ran it across nightmares skull quickly so he wouldn't get too weirded out. Nightmare looked and felt sicker than ever. Killer stared at it for a second while listening to nightmare say "w-what t-the h*ll w-was t-that f-for?*sniff* I-I'm p-perfectly f-fine, y-your the s-sick one h-here not m-me.*cough*" killer then read it aloud to nightmare.


Nightmare weakly sat down on the ground next to his bed and rested his head on his dresser. He had been caught.  After he did that he fell into a harsh coughing fit. While killer staring at him worriedly. "W-welp *cough* y-you caught m-me..*sniff*" said nightmare weakly. "W-wait, you a-already knew     y-you were s-sick?" Asked killer confused. "D-do you t-think it's *cough* e-easy to I-ignore w-when you f-feel like s-sh*t?.." "fair enough" the two of them sat down and watched a movie they both agreed on, and sat down and got some well needed rest.

Thanks for reading this chapter, spent an hour on it xD

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