Freshs sick day

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(In this one fresh isn't a kid but a bit younger)

Fresh woke up, with a really bad cold. Under his yolo glasses, his eyes were shaking a bit. "What the heck is u-up with me today?" He fell into a coughing fit, and immediately heard footsteps coming up the stairs, then error walked in. "Y-y-you okay-y-y?" Glitched error, who was getting slightly concerned. "I am totally not feeling radical my glitchy brosif..." said fresh drowsily. "You l-l-look it-t-t" error responded before placing his hand on his skull. "Y-y-you're p-pretty-y warm fresh-h-h" said error, who was at that moment, very concerned, since fresh literally never got sick. Then fresh sneezed all over error.

Error was mad to say the least and stormed out. "N-nope nope nope nope n-nope-e nope nope no no n-n-no no no no no-o-o"
Ink and nightmare walked in, and wondered why error walked out, but saw snot all over his jacket and sweater. "Hey bud, everything okay In here?" Said ink, but then saw fresh still in bed, when he would normally be up by now, and he also looked like crap. "Is little fresh sick?" Said nightmare, making an attempt to be nice to the colorful skeleton, but it was hard considering he was tall and scary to fresh.
Fresh whimpered at the sight of nightmare.
Nightmare sighed and went into his more uncomfortable form, which was his normal, prince of nightmares, with his cute lil crown and everything,no black goop. Fresh was surprised he would do that for him. Ink was also surprised.
"Huh. So you do have a soul! Hahah!" Nightmare looked away, embarrassed.
"H-hey! We're supposed to be h-helping fresh!"
Ink laughed, and fresh chuckled. Which eventually turned into coughing.
"I feel sooo unradical today.." said fresh, almost complaining.

-with error-

Error teleported to the antivoid, where he practically lives. He got the stain removal spray, Which ink created for some reason, and sprayed some on the snot stain fresh had left behind. Error felt bad for leaving, but the other two were there anyway. Error put his jacket in the wash, and then just changed into his newer jacket instead of his old one. (Because of the change in clothing in underverse and lucidia, which happened quite a bit ago, but idc. He changed into the clothes on the right.)

After getting changed, error headed back to freshen house, which was a bit far, but he needed a walk anyway

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After getting changed, error headed back to freshen house, which was a bit far, but he needed a walk anyway.

-with inky winky, nightmare, and fresh-

Fresh had puked once, coughed a lot, and sneezes a bit. But nightmare and ink were doing a good job taking care of him. Ink was in charge of meds,
nightmare with food. "IS THAT SOUP ALMOST READY NIGHTMARE?!" "YES!"
Nightmare poured the soup in a bowl, and went upstairs to give it to fresh. "Soups right here." Says nightmare. Fresh starts eating it, "this is pretty good!" Says fresh, with a mouthful of soup. Nightmare blushes a bit. Ink looks at nightmare and giggles.

-with error-

Error had just arrived at fresh's house , exhausted from all the walking, and walks into the house and goes into the room he had walked out of 4 hours ago. Error finds that everyone's asleep. Error makes sure nobody caught it, and then teleports both ink and nightmare to their houses and into their beds.

Error then sits down next to fresh. And then thinks to himself

             It may not seem like it...
        But I truly do love you all.


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