You were adorable.

I slammed the book shut, feeling my throat tightened as the memories she so daintily described resurrected themselves. Memories of us, of how good things used to be. Memories of times that I treasured. A kind of friendship that was impossible to find with someone else. An inseparable bond. Countless hours of laughter, joy.

All gone.

Never to come back.

I felt a sadness took me over. Much like it had when everything first fell apart. The numbing pain that haunted me, the sight of her everywhere, knowing that I didn’t matter to her anymore.

It killed me.

Yesterday my best friend, today a stranger.

I wanted to stop reading now. I definitely understood why she said it would overwhelm but if she could write about this, then surely the reason she did what she did was somewhere inside and I was going to find it.

I deserved that explanation. I needed it and it better be good.

So, I flipped the pages again, ignoring everything in me that scream for me to just burn the damn thing, and continued reading.

That day was the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I didn’t realise it then at seven years old, but you were one of the best things that ever happened to me.

My life hasn’t always been easy, contrary to popular belief. My mother, a European singer, met my dad, a prestigious Judge, in México. I don’t have any details on the romance part. It’s pretty disturbing to even imagine, but not too long after that Tyler came to this world. He was born in México while my mother was still there. 

Soon after that, they moved to L.A. to be closer to my dad. It must have seemed like a good idea. I don’t know. Perhaps they wanted the happy family that showed in the magazines and on TV. They kept up their charade for longer than I’d expect though. A whopping eight years. I hand it to them.

But after that everything came crashing down because my dad, Carlos Sánchez, got married behind my mother’s back. Hid it for two whole years and had both women pregnant at the same time.

A disgusting human being, if you ask me.

Can you imagine the hurt that my mother felt? Can you imagine the embarrassment? She loved him and he betrayed her love in the worst way possible. She was heartbroken for months until she finally went back home to the UK. 

A couple of months later, I was born. Heidi Sánchez. My mother wanted to give me her name but changed her mind at the last minute. Oh, how I wished she hadn’t. I wish she had done so many things differently. 

I wish she didn’t have to go back on tour when I was only five years old. I wish she hadn’t run out of money or take me to live with my dad. She should’ve kept me and fought with me. 

If It's meant To Be (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now