The skirt of the dress hangs at her mid-thighs with huge heels. The other two women, one a blonde and the other a red-head, dress similarly with their dress lengths varying. Eye-patch lifts his head up and directs his attention to the women.

"Hello, ladies. How may we help you?" He gives them a charming smile, giving them the attention they crave.

"We just noticed that you men seemed so lonely..." The blonde girl speaks up, setting her hands on Wooyoung's shoulders seductively as she massages them.

"You all work so hard at sea. You need a way to destress, don't you? Let us give you company~" The red-head adds in wrapping her arms around Seonghwa's broad shoulders. He seems to tense up and squirm under her touch, this makes the woman smirk. I don't know why but seeing her that close to him begins to irritate me.

"But we do have company, We have Sun-Mi," Mingi says motioning towards me. The other guys laugh.

"She doesn't count as the company they're talking about and you know that," Wooyoung responds with a smirk.

"Come with us. You all need proper womanly company~" The brunette lady comments giving me a glare. When I heard that something inside of me snapped.

"Proper womanly company?" I ask.

"That's what I said. There's only one way to keep a man happy and, darling, we're the only ones that do that without the extra compromises." I laugh confusing the hell out of the women.

"You see, darling, there are more ways to keep men company and earn money than by degrading yourself to a sexual object." I sneer at them standing up. Yeosang grabs my wrist to calm me down but I rip my hand away from him forcefully.

"Calm down, there's no need for a fight." Eye-patch intercedes, "Ladies, we appreciate the offer but we'll have to decline. Unless one of my men asks you directly we won't be needing your services."

"Sweetheart, I'm sure I can change your mind if you--"

"No, thank you. Take this instead," He says tossing the brunette a bag of money. She catches it with surprise, which only increases when she sees how much is inside.

"This is very kind but--"

"Take it and split it between the three of you. Don't worry about repaying us." The three women stand in shock not knowing what to do. The brunette smiles nodding slowing with a blush creeping up her face.

"Thank you," she smiles. "We'll keep this kind gesture in mind. Until we meet again." She nods to the other two women joining her and walks away shooting me a glare. I hold her gaze until she scoffs and turns her attention to a newfound prey.

"Sun-Mi, sit down please," Eye-patch asks calmly. I plop down on the bench with a huff and cross my arms.

"What's your deal?" Mingi asks while taking a swig of his mug. "You were being pretty rude to them."

"Rude? I wasn't being rude, I was making them realize that there are better ways to gets money than by selling themselves." I retort. "Why did you give them money anyway? You're just encouraging them to continue."

"Sun-mi, you have to understand, they don't all choose that because they want to. Some of them need the extra money and don't have a way to get it besides selling themselves." Eye-patch adds in. "This may be a safe haven for those that the king and queen are chasing after but it's still a pirate town. It's not perfect."

"Yeah well maybe if men weren't so damn perverted all the damn time, these women wouldn't have to put themselves through this," I mutter loud enough to silence them. After a couple of awkward minutes, they continue talking leaving me out once again. Looking around the table, I notice someone missing from the crew.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now