Parent!Levi x child!reader x Parent!Eren [Happy Birthday Dad!] Modern AU

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        You were outside, behind a snow fort that was created to block you from the incoming snowballs.

        "INCOMING!" You shouted as you pretended to throw the snowball and got up at the same time your dad Eren did and threw it at his face.

        Throwing a giggle fit after hitting him in the face. Levi came over to pick you up and kiss your cold nose.

        "C'mon cupcake let's go inside for some hot chocolate." Levi was smiling (yes smiling)

        "But daddy! I wanna play just a little longer." You started to fidget around in his grasp trying to convince him to let you play a little longer.

        "No, we need to go inside." Levi glanced over at Eren's approaching figure. 

        "Sweetheart we need to go inside, staying outside for too long can cause you to have a cold."  Eren lightly grabbed your cheek causing you to giggle.

        "Fine, but can we have homemade cupcakes?" You looked over to Eren and looked at him with pleading eyes. "please?" 

        "Fine since your other dad has some errands to do we can go ahead and start baking." Eren went ahead and took you away from Levi. Levi grunted and you turned over to him. You stretched your arms out and puckered your small lips.

        "Thank you (y/n) at least you remember." He went over to you and kissed your cheek as you kissed his and hugged his neck. (The only thing you were able to wrap your arms around XD)

        "Eh I remember!" Eren started whining and puckered his lips as well. Levi only chuckled a bit before giving Eren his kiss and waving bye leaving to go do his errands.

        When Levi was far enough that Eren made sure he couldn't hear you guys Eren smiled and picked you up for a piggyback ride.

         "Alright let's make it home and start making daddy a surprise birthday party." Eren started to the apartment.


        After finally making it into the apartment you pet the cat and took your coat and other extra clothing off leaving you in your (f/c) dress.  Slipping the slippers on you ran to your room and crawled under the bed to grab the item you made for your dad as a present.

        "(y/n) let's make those cupcakes and cake and cookies. We need to hurry we only have a few hours till your dad comes back!" Eren was already preheating the oven and tying his apron. "You need to put your apron on as well." You were tying your small (c) apron on and grabbed your stool to reach the counter. 

        "I wanna make the cookies!" You stared at the cookie cutters that were out of reach and huffed glancing over at your dad waiting for him to finish unwrapping the cookie dough from the previous night.

        "Alright just let it get a little warmer and you can cut out the cookies. let's work on the cupcakes and the cake for now." Eren took out a couple of pans and placed them on the counter from smallest to biggest..

        "Dad! Can I lick the extra frosting from the bowl?" You stepped off the stool and handed him the ingredients he needed as he slowly poured them into the mixer. 

        "Remember you got sick last time for eating the extra frosting from the bowl." Your dad was making sure the mixture was mixed in evenly.

~~~~~~~~~~(because too much typing is a pain)~~~~~~~~~~~~

        The cupcakes, cookies, and cake mix were slid into the oven and you closed the oven door. You looked over at the clock.

        "When is daddy gonna  be home?" Eren looked over at the clock and started pondering.

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