Say something [Foster!Parent!Mikasa x Mute!Child] Modern AU

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        You sat on your bed hoping not to be chosen just to be dropped off again two weeks later, how lovely is that. Not like they would choose you, you were mute and foster parents already have to deal with being ignored if they bother taking a child with them for a week.

        You shook your head.

        'Stop thinking negative, maybe I can be the best child ever!' You then looked around spotting a woman with short black hair avoiding her face, she was gorgeous, there was a guy with brilliant teal eyes and short brown hair, maybe they were married? You looked for any signs of marraige but they had no sort of rings on, boyfriend and girlfriend? They weren't holding hands, maybe?

        "Look Eren over here the one with (H/l) (hairtype) (H/c)." She pointed towards you, so the guy was Eren.

        "Strange I haven't heard her talk yet," The man said walking with the woman.

        "The woman did say that there was a mute child due to an accident, it completely destroyed her voice box and now the only thing she's able to do is make small noises. Poor her" She looked over at you and smiled. "Would you like to come with us?"

        You looked at her with your (e/c), the small spark of hope filled your eyes and you shook your head.

        "I'm Mikasa, this is my brother Eren." She pointed to the guy as he waved and smiled.

        So they're related, different parents?

        "Let's go get the papers signed and let's get you out of here." Eren reached his arms out to you and you backed up slightly.

        It was strange for anyone to show you affection. 

        "It's alright, I get it you want some space, right?" The man backed away and chuckled.

        You were in the car with them, they seem to live in the country since we passed so many fields and not yet have arrived to where these two live.

        "So, Mikasa do you want to introduce the child to the family yet, or do you want her to settle in for the next week or so?" Eren was a nice man, Mikasa was a nice woman.

        "Let's give her a few days and then we can decide." She responded as she looked over to see me staring out the window and smiling as I saw horses, cows and, barns. "We have a few horses on the ranch, we have a couple ponies you can choose from." 

        You quickly turned to her as you heard her say those words, you loved horses, but you always wanted a pet pig and name him porker.

        "Would you like that?" She asked softly. You shook your head and smiled.


        You finally arrived to the ranch and breathed in the unpolluted air, it was nice.

        You looked around and noticed the small horses trotting towards its mothers and neighs. There was a rather large barn over to the right and you heard oinks and snorts which caused you to make a small noise of acknowledgement.

        "You want to go and settle in first or do you want to go see the animals?" Eren had suggested and grabbed some bags probably from some previous shopping before they agreed to take care of you.

        You eagerly pointed to the barn and smiled.

        "Alright, go on ahead we'll get you some snacks for when you come back inside." Mikasa had left into the house and got you some boots.

        "Here you go, I don't know if they'll fit you though." You looked at her and sat down on the dirt to get your flats off and try the boots on, They fit you perfectly and eagerly put on the other one to run off into the barn where you stumbled upon a blonde man feeding the chickens and laughing as they occasionally snuggled up to him.

        You spotted the pigs and made your way to them as they rolled in the mud, occasional oinks made you smile, you tried to giggle or at least laugh but no sound came out.

        "Hey! Are you the child Eren, and Mikasa said they were going to adopt?" The blonde man came up to you as you looked up at him, some feathers were sticking out of his hair, you nodded. "I'm Armin, Eren and Mikasa's friend." He extended a hand out towards you and you let you small hand rest in his palm as his hands and gently shook yours.

        "Armin!" Eren called and looked at you both and smiled, "So I see you've met (Y/n)?" 

        "Yes I have. She's a cute one isn't she?" Armin smiled at Eren and stood up. "I see she's wearing the boots that used to belong to her." Armin was pointing at the boots and chuckled a bit.

           Armin looked at you a bit and tilted it a bit to the left, you copying his actions. 

            "For a girl who can't speak her expressions and emotions say everything." Armin said after the few moments of silence.

        "How did you know?" Eren asked Armin and punched his shoulder lightly.

        "Remember, I'm Armin." Armin laughed at his own joke and pat your head before grabbing an empty bucket. "It's time to feed the chickens, want to help? Or do you need to go see your new room before dinner?" 

        You forgot about your room, you wanted to see the animals so bad it jsut left your mind, You shook your head and pointed to where you knew the house was located.

        "Alright, I'll see you later." Armin left and waved a simple goodbye.

        "Mikasa is most likely in the living room." Eren told you, you ran off and knocked on the door.

        Mikasa answered the door and you started to jump up and down, you knew they probably didn't understand sign language, but you had to try to see if they knew at least a little bit right? 

        Your small hands started to sign slowly.

        Can you please take me to my new room?

        Mikasa was pondering and sighed in frustration a bit. 

        "I'm sorry I don't understand sign language but...I will learn for you, do you want a snack?" She asked, you shook your head, "Your new room?" you nodded your head furiosly and she laughed.

        She picked you up and carried you on her side. She made her way upstairs and opened a door, it wasn't empty, it was filled with everything you would imagine, toys, a small desk with paper and crayons neatly organized, the small oval rug in the middle of the room. It was perfect.

        "Sorry there isn't much. We'll buy things for you in the future but we'll start with your clothes okay?" She smiled and set you down so you could explore the room.

        You knew she was the perfect mother, you scrambled to the desk and a red crayon, a piece of paper and you scribbled onto it.

        You finished writing it, a little sloppy. You gave it to her and smiled as she took into her hands as she smiled reading the simple three words found on the sheet. You signed it as well when she looked at you.

        I love you.

        She knelt down and hugged you.

        "Love you too (Y/n)" 


Sorry this took so long to make for the person who requested it;-; I hope this is good enough.

        As always I accept request, vote, comment me criticism, and maybe even a follow?

Thanks for reading. :D -FF







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