"Essa?" I asked not really knowing what she was doing here.
I mean it was obvious that she looked bored as well.

Her head snapped my way and a smile finally made it to her asian like features.
"Finally you are awake. My brother did tell me that you were going to take long to wake up"  she said finally dropping her phone down and unmuted the t.v channel.

The high volume that suddenly blasted in the living room made my poor ears ring and I cringed my face in pain.

She said a small oh and gave me a guilty smile then reduced the volume of the television then kept the t.v remote down.

"Its still eight in the morning what do you mean?" I said going to open the fridge which was now full. Thanks to Margaret the househelp who usually kept me company in this soul sucking house.

I am exaggerating.

"I got here an hour ago" she said narrowing her eyes at me and I rolled mine.

Essa Regonzili was Luca's younger half sibling. Her mother was a Thailand beauty which explained the stricking features of her daughter.

All the people in this family were extremely beautiful and handsome that it was almost making me feel insecure but then it wasnt.

My mother taught me better than that.

"Lucas said that you dont have clothes" she said bluntly examining the shirt I had on and I almost answered her with 'no shit sherlock' but I restrained myself from saying that so I just nodded.

"Are you also here to tell me how my fashion sucks just like Jarred?" I asked eyeing her but she chuckled.
I proceeded to pour myself a glass of milk.

Jarred came by a couple of days ago with an excuse of checking if we were still alive and not killing each other.
When he saw me in some oversized shirt and rolled pants he almost rolled on the floor laughing because according to him I looked horrible.

I did not disagree but he really did not have to laugh. Anyways long story short I did not think that he came to check if we were still alive he just wanted to make sure I wasnt pregnant.


"Jarred is an asshole so no. I actually came to take you for shopping.
Ethan is dropping Malia in a few then we can leave"  she said looking at her phone probably for a message. Dont even ask me how she took it again.

Nodding my head I gulped down the glass of milk then wiped my lip with the back of the shirt I had.
Purposely may I add.

Lucas was starting to get on my nerves so that's why I did it.

Evil? Yes! Definetly.

One of the things that you should ask the daughter of a millionaire when they are taking you for shopping is 'who is going to pay' because these people shop as if there is no tomorrow and the shops they go into do not match and I repeat do not match your budget and one pair of heel might cost half of your salary.

"We have been here for an hour and the only thing you have bought is lipstick" Essa said looking at me and I rose a brow.

"I can not afford shopping in these stores Essa" I whisper yelled not wanting any of the staffs to hear me so that I would save the embarrassment Essa and Malia of watching me being kicked out.

Yes that.

"Who said you are paying? Lucas specifically said to use his card for whatever you would want to buy" she said waving a credit card infront of me and my eyes bulged out.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that?" I asked and Malia chuckled.

"You never asked" she said shrugging her shoulders and I restrained the need to strangle her.

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