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Denki's POV

Three years later, it was graduation time. Shinso and I have been together the whole time. Things have been great but lately he's been distant. It's strange and I've been trying to keep it from getting to me. Right now I'm trying to focus on the fact that this time next year I'll be a pro-hero beside my boyfriend.

I wandered around the campus and head back to the class 1-A dorms. Yes, we've been in the same class all together since first year. We all love each other. I know more about them than I do myself. I head straight to Mina's room because Shinso's gone out without me again.

"Mina!!! Let me in!" I yell, kicking the door. She swings the door open and stands there half dressed. She yanks me into her room and slams the door shut again. She then growls at me and finishes getting dressed. I mutter a sorry while looking anywhere other than at her. She takes a deep breath and puts on a smile, letting me know I am forgiven.

"Shinso's gone again..." I sigh. She knows what I mean because he hasn't been in our dorm. (We share one and use another for storage, but the teachers don't need to know that) She smothers a giggle. Does she know something I don't?

"Mina... What is it you know." I ask angry, but not actually angry. She giggles again and refuses to meet my eyes. She shakes her head and mimes zipping her lips. I finger gun at her and give her a zap.

"Hey! That's cheating!" She laughs, running off and out the door. I chase after her.

"Mina tell me what you know! Where's my boyfriend!" I screech, laughing too at this point. We run through the halls, Iida comes out of his room to yell at us, but he smiles. Having loosened up over the past couple years. She makes it to the closing elevator before I do, but I'm smart enough to jump the stairs and make it there first. When she gets out as I enter the common room she dives behind Shoji and he laughs and protects her. They started dating last year and are still going strong. I pout at her.

"Denki, darling you know you're my bestie but if I could tell you I would." She complained after I pouted at her. Sero nodded, being part of the secret too. Well if they know, then I know he's not cheating on me or anything. They would tell me. Speaking of Shinso, he walked into the common room. And, all got forgotten as I jumped into his (very muscular) arms.

Shinso's POV

Two days left until the big day, and I'm not talking about Graduation day. I have everything I need, permission, the gift, and the question.

If you haven't guessed it yet, I'm asking him to marry me when we get on stage. I know he'd be okay with me doing it like that because we have talked about getting married. He's always said he wants some big, grand romantic gesture when I (and yes he said "I") ask him. I have it set up, when my Papa calls up call 1-A and we get up there he'll do everything he needs to do. Then he'll pause before dismissing us off the stage. And that's when I'll grab him and drag him to the front of the stage and ask him.

I got him a gold ring with a lightning bolt shaped Diamond in it. It'll fit him, both in size and style. I hope he says yes. I know he loves me but I also know he might not want this yet. He might want to wait. But, with everything we've been through I can't wait. We, as heroes, are never promised tomorrow. That sentence got told to us daily. Besides, I promised Eri she could be the flower girl if she kept it a secret from him.

Deku's POV

Todoroki has been acting strange lately. Very strange. He keeps avoiding me and for some reason his left side seems out of control around me. I hope I'm not making him uncomfortable. But, I did confess to him about a week ago. I told him it was okay if he didn't feel the same or anything. I felt that since we were so close that he should know how I felt about him.

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