Okay Crusty Crab

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Shinso's POV

So over the past week, I've come to two conclusions.

I'm in some basement under an electrical facility, I know this because it looks like every other basement. And, the building makes the same sound as Denki does, but 10x as loud.

Hero's are incompetent. This is why I need to hurry and get my Hero's license so at least one hero knows what they're doing. I mean, Japan isn't that big. This isn't America, or Russia people. It's an island. Where are they looking for me??

Back to the problem at hand, these jerks cuffed me to a wall, with some quirk inhibitor. So even without my beautiful muzzle, I still can't escape with my quirk.

Every morning and night, Crusty Crabs comes into my quaint little room, which happens to be full of moss and mold. To ask me if I want to join his emo boy band. I'd like to think that I've come up with some good comebacks, like:

"Sorry sweetheart, I'm not into girls....... Oh wait you're not a girl you only need a haircut."

"Get yourself some lotion sandbag, and I'll think about it."

"Uh, I have a boyfriend. I'm not looking for a new one." (I wish)

"Hey stabby pants, why do you have a walking talking dried up sponge? Is that sanitary?"

They may be fun, but have gotten me beaten, but they bring me McRonald's sometimes. I often find myself wondering how Denki's doing? If he's happier now that I'm not trying to get in the way of he and Sero's relationship? I wish I could tell him I'm sorry.

I also think of my family, I know they must be a wreck. Eri, poor Eri, has been through so much in her life. I can't die. My dads need me. My little sister needs me. I know if my dad's weren't freaking out I would have gotten saved already.

I was dozing off when something started tapping at the tiny window above me.


It was only 3 hundred something words....

I know I'm sorry, but I thought I should whip up a short Shinso chapter. I try to make him as sweet yet judgmental as possible. 

Have fun, next is my baby, Bakugou and kirishima. They aren't dating yet in this story because Kirishima's really shy about his feelings and want's to confess in the most Manly way possible, while bakugou is just chilling anf thinking about kirishimas cute butt

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