A trip to the Boba Cafe

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Denki's POV

Today has gone very well. It's been almost like a date. It would be if he liked me. But, he most likely doesn't and that's okay. We met a few days ago after all. My mind kept going when he grabbed me to stop me from jumping into the road. Which was stupid, I'll admit it. But the butterfly was such a pretty pink and reminded me of Mina. But he grabbed me by my hips and pulled me back into him. Then he said something about being careful but I couldn't hear anything past my beating heart.

I was shook out of my thoughts by my stomach growling, guess it's time to eat. Shinso was finishing checking out so I walked over. "Shinso~ I'm Hungry~." I complained. He rolled his eyes and took his bag.

He checked his phone for a second and looked at me, "Let's go eat then, you pick." He said while walking to the door. I followed and thought about the food in the food court. I know they put in a McRonalds, but would he like it? I guess I won't know until I ask.

"They put in a McRonalds, wanna try that. It's new so it should be nice." He nods.

"Let's try it. I can get some Mcnuggies." He said, leading the way to the food court.

We get there and both order Mcnuggies. He gets a black coffee and I get a sweet tea. We decided to sit in the back corner away from everyone else. "Thank you for coming with me." I said to him.

He smirked at me, "It was no big deal. Like I said, I needed shorts." I smiled back.

"When I knocked on your door I wanted to apologize for being a jerk last night on my snack run. I threatened you..." I said while blushing. I felt bad about it, I hope he's not too upset about it.

"It was cute.... I mean, you're usually this joyful person. Then you were more intense then usual and it was interesting." He said, then looking away and clearing his throat. I giggled a little. Then our food came and we made small talk until we decided to head out to finish our shopping trip.

I pretty much dragged him to Warm Topic, there was an earring set here that I wanted to get last time. I hope they still have it. I saved up for them and a little extra for something small. I head straight over to the jewelry section and start going through there. I was about to give up hope and go find Shinso, when I saw them. They were small silver studs, but they had chains hanging down, and on the chains were lightning bolts. They were simplistic but went with my style. They also happened to be on sale! For buy one get one free. So I looked around and found a flower crown like thing. It was gold and had golden butterflies attached to it.

I picked them out and was passing by the t-shirts when I saw that they launched a new hero collection. Well they weren't new heroes, they were heroes we all knew. They all happened to be teachers at UA. They even had an Eraser Head T-shirt. I looked over at Shinso who was shifting through the many buttons they had. I grabbed a medium Eraser Head shirt and rushed to the counter. I bought all the items I picked out. I got the shirt for ten dollars with a coupon, so everything came out to be about twenty-nine dollars.

Christmas is in a few months but I always try to buy my gifts for everyone in advance. I've always been like that. I even have Sero and Sato's presents. I painted Sero a portrait of his favorite food (It's an inside joke) and I got Sato a new whisk. I noticed it had a little wear and tear, and he always says he'll buy a new one but never does. So I thought I'd help him out a little. I waited for Shinso to buy his buttons. He got like ten, only because they were having a mega sale.

I knew I still had around twenty dollars, because I always try to have emergency funds. Shinso paid for lunch, despite my protests. So when he checked out I grabbed him and dragged him to the boba cafe. "Order whatever boba you'd like! As a thank you for lunch. Besides, I'm thirsty." I said. He chuckled and looked at the menu.

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