We'd Get Through This Together

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Eri's POV

I heard the fighting and I stayed hidden. I heard the booms of people using their quirks. I huddled under my tarp blanket further. This was a mistake. Why is it I felt like I needed to be here. Why did it feel like this was where I needed to be. I fell asleep to the pitter patter of the rain, the occasional thunder lulling me to sleep.

I woke up to Shinso screaming. His voice hoarse and tired, but screaming nonetheless. Yelling the name "Denki" over and over. I knew that name from somewhere, I can't remember where though. I still stayed hidden. I stayed cradling my legs until the screams stopped. He couldn't stop sobbing enough to repeat the name again.. I could hear it from here. His violent sobs. I couldn't take it anymore and I crawled out and snuck towards where the voice came from. Daddy was with the scary skeleton man, looking over at Shinso every now and then with tears in his eyes.

The skeleton man was on a makeshift stretcher and halfway asleep. Holding on to Daddy's hand like I do after a nightmare. I weaved between buildings, then I stood in front of the small pond Shinso and the blond boy was laying in. Shinso wasn't even crying anymore. But the other boy. He was so bloody and I knew I had to try to help. I knew I could save him if I tired hard enough.

I could use my quirk for good, and help my brother. I knew the other boy, Denki, was still here. I could somehow feel it.

"Shinso...?" I said, quiet and tentative. Trying to wade through the small pond to get to them. He turned to look at me. I don't even think he realized I was actually there. I finally made it to them and placed my hand on his shoulder. He finally blinked at me and realized I was there.

"Eri, what... What are you doing here. It's not safe here." He said. He wasn't even able to speak at a level above a harsh whisper. I nodded, knowing he was right, but I finally understood the pull I felt towards being here, in this moment. Daddy hasn't seen me yet I don't think because the skeleton man started coughing blood and got taken away.

"Let me see him." I said. Shinso didn't move. He held him closer to his chest. "Shinso, let me see Denki. Please trust me." I continued, firmer then the first time.

Shinso loosened his grip and I stood there, taking a deep breath. I did this for Deku, I can do this again. I will not be afraid, I will not let my quirk control me. My horn glowed. It grew a little and I put my hand over Denki's heart. The blood started flowing back into him and the busted blood vessels in his arms, legs, and face healed. But it wasn't enough. He wasn't waking up yet. I wasn't using enough power.

I tried harder. I pushed myself more, trying to restart his heart. Pull his spirit back into him. I could reverse it enough that he was alive again. I could do this. I could do this.

Shinso watched in awe, not believing any of what was happening. He especially didn't seem to believe it when Denki took a deep breath and vomited up some leftover blood. Gross. But not as gross as when Deku kept breaking his bones faster then my quirk healed them.

I tore my hand off of him, both to give him space and keep him from turning into dust from getting reversed too much.

"Thank you Eri." Denki rasped. I nodded at him and smiled. I took another deep, deep breath and worked on turning off my quirk. I had been doing exercises with Daddy to work on that. I stopped it and wondered off to go find Daddy, leaving my brother alone to help his friend.

Shinso was crying all over again, but this time in a good way.

Shinso's POV

To say I'm surprised to find out my sister was actually here and had enough control over her quirk to save the love of my life... would be an understatement. But hearing Denki breathe again, even watching him vomit blood, was the happiest moment of my life.

"Thank you Eri." He said, quiet. He then passed out, but he was breathing. Denki, my Denki was back. Still very scarred and filthy but I hugged him close to me. I scooped him up and struggled, from my own injuries, to a med station the police had set up.

"Help, help him please." I said, he got taken from me. The nurse who took him looked surprised to find Denki alive. Once I knew he was in good hands, my adrenaline stopped and I collapsed.

When I woke up again, I was in the hospital. I looked over to see my dads and Eri asleep on a small couch. I looked to the other side to see Denki in a bed next to me and a woman who looked a lot like Denki, asleep on a chair.

I sat up and reached towards him, who was also asleep and I could almost reach his hand. He was all bandaged up and looked to be in a lot of pain, but he was alive. He was alive. Alive and next to me. I held his hand like it was a lifeline. He woke up, slow and unsure of his surroundings, then turned to me. He gave me a pained smile.

"Shinso..." He started. I stopped him by squeezing his hand.

"Denki, I know you're with Sero and I respect that, but I'm in love with you." I said, hoping he wouldn't hate me and we could still be friends after he rejected me. To my surprise he started laughing. What started as a chuckle, turned into a full out laugh, then to a strangled cough.

The family members around us woke up to that. They smiled at us and nodded in understanding, seeing we needed to talk, alone. Leaving to go get food or use the bathroom to give us space. Denki's mom, I assume, kissed his head and smiled at me before leaving after my family.

"Shinso, I'm not dating Sero. Sero isn't interested in relationships or anything like that. He's asexual and aromantic. Besides, I like... someone else." He said. Smiling at me while using his other hand to hold his chest.

"But, but the night I got taken I saw you on the roof with Sero and it looked like you guys were going to kiss..." I admitted. He looked at me confused but then realization dawned on him.

"No he was comforting me because I got worried I crossed a line with you in the hallway. He was grabbing my face to tell me I was an idiot." He stated. Looking up remembering that moment and giggling. "He was right. I was an idiot." He continued.

"If you are, so am I." I laughed. But, he still hasn't said how he felt about me. It must have shown on my face because he squeezed my hand back.

"I'm in love with you too Shinso. I have been since we danced in the hallway." He said. We smiled at each other as our families came back in one by one.

We talked to them until we all fell asleep again. When we finally were able to leave the hospital I had to go to the police station to give a statement. I also had to answer any questions they had.

Denki and I will both have to see therapists for the foreseeable future because of the trauma we endured. Me getting kidnapped and beaten daily for a week and him actually dying. We both had scars from the experience, both physical and emotional.

But, we'd get through it together. We'd live through it together.


I know y'all forgot about Eri and her quirk lol. Anyways guys. The last chapter is THE LAST CHAPTER. The only think I'll post after that is news about my new stories. I have no idea when I'll start posting them. Maybe I'll take a break. ( Like a week long one) to get my ideas together. But, I'll be marking this one as completed by tonight. 

I love you guys. Thank you for being there and supporting my first story. 

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