Q and A

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Apart from this story my best friend ask me a question and I thought I would answer some questions about myself just because...

My name is Apollo (not my real birth name but because of safety reasons I won't be giving my real one)

I'm 16. 

I have two dogs. A Silver lab and a mutt. The loves of my life.

My favorite food is Alfredo. 

I have a boyfriend, nine months strong. Even if he makes me angry sometimes ;p

I've always loved writing but I just recently gotten back into it and I'm glad I did. I'm also really proud of myself for sticking with this story. 

I identify as androgynous. I dress however I want and gender conformity is stupid. 

I want to be an Anthropologist when I grow up and I've wanted to do that since I was nine. 

_beese_churger_ (dumbass name that I love) asked "How'd you get your Idea / inspiration for your story ??" 

Unfortunately I cannot answer that in full because of where we are in the story but  my inspiration was seeing a fan art of Denki's quirk malfunctioning and how Deku got out of Shinso's control using pain (breaking his bones). I wanted to play on those two elements. I also just really like the Skinkami pairing. A ball of ADHA and an Insomniac always make a good pair huh darling? (She knows I'm talking about her and I) 

Anyways thank's for listening to me talk darlings. Love you!

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