We Will Survive This

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Aizawa's POV

I was in a truck with All Might, who came along despite everyone saying he shouldn't. No one has said out loud that he has gotten worse. It seems like he was struggling to hold on. Especially since defeating All for One. My poor friend, a shell of his former self. And that fact alone was enough to crush him some more.

Everything felt wrong. In my years of being a teacher, I gained another sense. Knowing deep deep down in my heart that something bad was going down with one of them. But, right now my son is more important than Bakugou, exploding Deku into the sun. The rain was falling down hard, and it was a cold night out. But the pounding rain concealed the sound of our raid trucks approaching the power plant.

We stopped outside the fenced in area and some of the police officers made a perimeter. Everything was all set to go and we were about to bust down the fence. Then someone, an officer, came up to me lugging behind them a person in a hoodie and tactical gear. I figured it was a League goon but then the officer yanked off the hood revealing who it was.

Denki Kaminari in the flesh. Soaking wet and with a small awkward smile on his face.

"Go home." I said, with no emotion in my voice. Getting back to work. I didn't have time for this. He sputtered. I guess he expected me to yelled at him. I should very well be yelling. And dragging him home to his parents.

"Sensei you need me!" He yelled. Desperation leaking out of his voice. I shook my head.

"You are a child Kaminari. I don't need your help saving my son." I said, harsher then intended. I do understand he wants to help, but I can't risk his safety too.

"I was going to stay out of the way unless an electrical problem occurred. I'm the only hero or hero-in-training in Japan right now with electrical powers! You can't make me leave. A whole forest could get destroyed. The city could lose power for weeks." He said chasing after me, while I tried to get everything set up.

Unfortunately, Denki made good points. I looked him in the eyes.

"If I let you stay you are only to use your quirk in case of an electrical emergency. And, if you do good and do what I say, we will keep this little excursion of yours a secret." I said, serious and loud. He nodded and followed behind me until I was ready to give the command to go. Everyone got ready, everyone got prepared. Everyone knew not everyone would make it out alive.

"Go! Go! Go!" I roared

Shigaraki's POV

It was a peaceful night, movie night actually. Toga was still gone, but that's nothing new. She lives by her own rules. We were watching Rapunzel. Twice's pick for this week. It was late, and it was a kids movie, but everyone enjoyed it. People tend to forget we are humans.

We do evil things more than most, but we didn't have childhoods. We didn't have doting mothers and we didn't grow up playing catch with dear old dad. We were alone and forced to grow up too fast. So nights like this, where it's us watching Bisney movies, together like a family, ignoring the real world. We live for these moments and our dreams of the future and revenge on those who hurt us.

But, like every other ruined thing in our lives, this moment ended with a bang. A bang and screaming. Roaring, heard over the rain. Then the pounding of feet and doors getting broken down. We didn't have time to make a portal for everyone to escape out of, with our prisoner, our supplies. Our whole lives, everything we own, everything in out names was in this building. We couldn't scramble to grab everything and fight the heroes off at the same time.

Twice knew what to do and ran to go get him. Dabi, Kurogiri, and I stand at the ready. Dabi and I locked eyes. In case we somehow didn't survive, I tried to show all the longing I've felt towards him in one glance. Since I met him at 15/16, I've always admired him, what he stood for. Over the years it grew to be love. I could never tell him. But, I will.

We would be making it out of this, we would never stop fighting, we have no lines we wouldn't cross. I'll tell him when we make it out of this. I would do anything to protect my family. To protect the world we were going to create together, rule together. The pounding stopped. This building must have been the last one they've searched. Twice wasn't back yet. Shinso may know what's going on and decided to put up a fight, slowing us down.

"If we go down, we go down together..." I pull off my gloves and take a deep breath.

Then all was silent. The calm before the storm. Then the door, separating us and them, burst down and a tell-tale "I am Here!" erupted from the dust.

All Might.


If the next chapter takes me a day or two to write I apologize. Fight scenes are a struggle for me and I don't want to dissapoint you guys by writing a subpar fight chapter. It's probably going to have a bunch of Short pov's to show the different view points and to show "speed" I guess. 

I love you guys truly and it kills me that this story will be ending soon. Less then ten chapters but more then two away. Then I will move on to my next story. I know you guys gave me some ideas and liked some of my suggestions, but I think I will be doing two at once. Therefore cutting down my posting time. 

I hope you enjoy. 

With all my love, Apollo

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