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Meanwhile in the room:

'Hello, Lawrence, I'm Dr Shepherd I will be your surgeon today'

'great, Hello Dr Shepherd'

' this is doctor Grey and doctor Bailey who will be assisting me' he turned to a group of interns by the door.

'Would someone like to present'

' Yes I will' a keen tall curly haired intern shouted.

' Lawrence Wilson, 24 suffering with a Glioblastoma tumour, has been undergoing chemotherapy for the last couple of months, he was admitted last night after collapsing, Ct scans show the tumour has grown in the last day'

' So what would be the next step' Sheperd said to the group of interns.

'to remove the tumour before it spreads to other areas of the body'


'Right interns follow me' said Izzie a tall, resident, her legs were nearly as long as she, she could be a model.

I walked down the corridor to Law's room, I saw the group of interns walking out of his room like as if they'd been to see a pet at a zoo and were now moving on to their next viewing. Aurora was dawdling behind, jumping from one gap in the floor to the next. ' Come on Ror' I said in fustration as I was turning the corner into the room. Inside the room stood a tall man with black hair, a small woman and the mousy brown haired woman from earlier.

' So sir, we will be taking you down to surgery in a moment' said the small woman.

'can I wait for my little girl and my partner'

'Of course sir'

'I'm here' I said walking in

'good'  he smiled

Just at that moment, he turned and looked me straight in the eye.

'Laurel' he continued

'Is he here ' he cut straight to the point.

'No dad he's not...he's no longer in my life anymore, Law is' I said walking up to Law's bed and taking his cold hand in mine.

'Do you two know each other?' the girl with the mousy brown hair said. Her worried face looked between my dad and I.

' Mommy, I can't find my r r r r r ring' Aurora said bouncing into the room.

'Mommy' Dad said looking straight towards me.

'Hey baby we'll find it later ok' I whispered to her as I bent down and lightly kissed her head.

'Just like you Laurel, you haven't called me, I didn't do anything, I can't look at you and now this' his eyes glancing over Aurora.

' Does your mother even know ! how can you just stand there opposite me and not say anything to me' He said screaming at me, his eyes never meeting mine, he was hurt and that was his way of showing it,  those eyes can tell you his greatest feelings and disappointments, they tell you what he doesn't, mom always used to say that to me. 

' Dad stop shouting please, your scaring her' I said as Aurora wrapped her arms tightly around one of my legs. I felt Law grab my hand tighter.

' Lawrence I will see you in the E.R, Bailey prep him for surgery'

The small ladies faced dropped as she stood in the corner of the room. Dad turned and stormed out. The brunette followed him ' DEREK'.

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