I stayed awake the rest of the night and it was now almost time for breakfast I did my daily routine and looked in the mirror and the bags under my eyes were awful and ideas extremely pale I looked like a zombie. I put onba black pair of jeans with rips in the knees and a grey nike jumper I covered my bruises with makeup the best I could and left my blonde hair down I can never do anythig with my hair because I dont know how I never learnt.

I made my way downstairs shit scared of what's going to happen to me. Oh god it's making me feel sick I entered the kitchen and everyone looked at me I just kept my head down and sat in my seat.

"You okay Bri?" Ace asked me why was he asking that do they want me to admit what I had done? I just stared at him debating on what to say.

"You look really pale and look like you didn't get any sleep" he said. I'm confused why is does he care aren't I in trouble.

"What aren't I in trouble?" I asked causing everyone to look at me confused.

"Why would you be in trouble honey" Cole asked me I thought it would be best to come clean they obviously already know it I admit it I might not be punished as badly.

"Um er well I left my room last night to get some water and Blake caught me" I said I'm absolutely petrified right now holy shit what are they gonna do.

"Why would you be in trouble for that?" Nicholas questioned with a raised eyebrow.

I didn't know what to say what does he mean "b-because I left my room at night w-without permission" I replied.

"Your allowed to leave your room whenever you want unless I've asked you to stay there for some reason what made you think you would be in trouble for leaving to get water?" He questioned looking slightly shocked norrowing his eyebrows.

"Er um no reason" I'm confused am I in trouble or not it this a trick.

"Is that why you were so scared of Blake last night because you thought you were in trouble?" Nicholas said shit so Blake did tell them.

"No I wasn't scared of him" I defended.

"Oh really then why did you flinch and step back when I helped you up did you actually think I was going to hit you?" Blake questioned crap he looks mad.

"No I was just tired I didn't flinch" I replied.

"Yes you did you looked like you were waiting for me to hit you" he said.

"No wasn't am I in trouble or not?" I questioned looking at Nicholas who was looking at me like he was studying me.

"No of course not hun it's okay" Cole replied to my question.

"Okay thankyou" I said relieved and began eating my food. Halfway through eating Caleb spoke up.

"Don't forget we're going shopping today you excited?" He said oh shoot I forgot about that I don't do well in busy places so I'm kinda nervous.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that" I replied.

I finished eating I had only eaten a quarter of my breakfast and I'm hoping they won't notice but of course with my look they did.

"Bri are you not eating anymore" Nicholas questioned.

"Er no sorry" I replied.

He and Cole shared a concerned glance but Nicholas spoke again "that's fine as long as you eat somethig whilst your out."

I nodded in reply and the boys started getting up ready to leave "Come on babygirl let's get going" Xavier said to me.

I nodded and got up we all headed towards the car there were six of us so I didn't know how we would all fit Cole got in the drivers seat and Caleb got into the passengers seat and the four of us had to squeeze in the back I was squashed between Xander and Ace Xander on my right and Ace on my left with Xavier next to Ace. "Is this safe I dont even have a seatbelt" I asked Cole I have a big fear of cars and I really don't feel safe right now.

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