Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

The Colonel nodded to Ratchet, letting him go with the prisoner who helped Jack to the large ambulance outside. Ratchet nodded as he got into the ambulance with his son as they put the gurney in. Ethan followed the old doctor to help him. Riley followed and pushed back his hair. "They're taking you to their base but I doubt you will be there long. Fowler is there and can help you. Just sit tight and rest, okay?" She said gently, frowning. 

The man nodded slowly and sighed shakily in relief. He looked at her and smiled a little. "Thank you... please... let Skye know we'll be okay." He whispered. 

"I'll do that, don't worry Jack." Riley smiled a little, watching them close the doors. Jack smiled in thanks and looked at the older man. He stared at him then gently gripped his hand before closing his eyes to rest again. 

The doctor sat down and the vehicle began moving to the base. He held his stepsons hand tightly, holding it close to his lips. He released a stressed sigh, shaking his head as he closed his eyes. Jack fell asleep then, unsure if he'd be able to go home. They later got to their destination and helped the father out then wheeled him inside.

They took him to the medical section of the base silently. Ratchet stayed right beside him the whole way, worried. The old doctor realized Skye had no idea what was going on. She wouldn't for a while. Hopefully Riley would tell her. Ratchet helped bring Jack into one of the rooms and frowned. He sat down next to the bed and sighed softly, worried. He hoped Skye and Jack would be alright

They sent a nurse in to check him over then walked off when he was good. They then sent for a meal for the two. Ratchet glanced at them but didn't pay attention to them, focused on his stepson. He smiled a bit, seeing he was okay.


The colonel had the soldiers bring Bumblebee over. They lifted him up and brought him to him, the man glaring at him. "Who do you think you are?" He asked firmly.

Bumblebee thought for a long time and looked at him with empty eyes. "No one..." he rasped weakly and looked back at the floor. He had resisted the soldiers arrest and he knew he'd have to go in.

Riley ran back inside to check on Bumblebee, Ethan following quickly. Her eyes widened seeing him cuffed. She saw the Colonel speak to him and hurried over. "He's my uncle... I'm sorry, we just get worried with family." She spoke quickly, concerned they may take him away too, and also trying to defend his actions. 

The Colonel stared at her then nodded to the soldiers who took the scout to the cars outside. Riley's eyes widened and filled with tears, shaking as she watched three family members leave, all three taken by the soldiers. Ethan hugged her gently and she hugged him in return, worried. She hoped she could see them when she worked the next day.

Bumblebee stared at the floor as he walked to the car. He let them put him in and he just stared blankly at nothing in particular. He didn't see a reason to fight at the moment. A man got into the front seat as soldiers sat beside him. The man drove to the base silently, frowning deeply. Bumblebee didn't say or do anything as he just stared. He sighed forcefully and closed his eyes then leaned back in his chair. He messed up.


Riley left the hospital and began hurrying home, bringing Ethan. They went to her home and she ran to go find her father, seeing if he was awake. Sari was awake and so was Quinn, they knew their dad was home and they were snuggled with him. He was barely awake and looked over at Riley as she came in. "What's wrong?" He rasped.

She gathered the notes quickly, looking at him. "Jack is being taken to the military base with Ratchet. Bumblebee got arrested. Ratchet told me Skye hasn't come back yet but I have work. Ethan is going to tell Skye when he goes back to the hospital." Riley explained as she stuffed the notes in the bag. She then went over to him and sat next to him. "I don't know how long I will be gone so Skye and Ethan might have to help bring Miko and the others here. Just stay here, okay? Relax." She hugged him gently. 

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